Jesus was the Messiah and miracles were His stock n’ trade. They were His credentials for those wondering who exactly this man was. They weren’t His only credentials, but for those who only believed what they saw, the miracles were reason enough to be persuaded.
Why would Jesus put His hands on the man twice? And why didn’t he do the miracles in the town of Bethsaida? Matthew 13:58 answers why, “And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.”
Jesus chose to do this miracle in stages, possibly to show the disciples that some healing would be gradual instead of instantly or to demonstrate that spiritual truth is not always perceived clearly at first. Regardless, before Jesus left, the man was healed completely. The probation of Bethsaida as a community was ended. Jesus would still show mercy and love to individuals! Many still ask is this so? When you “see” Jesus face-to-face, then you can ask Him to “clear” things up!
Bottom Line
Lack of faith blinds people to the truth and robs them of hope.