Envious Angels

The Bible says that angels do not experience redemption, but long to know what it feels like to be saved. Angels being the unfallen ones, of high intelligence, who serve God in holiness, and dwell in the light, even they see how great human salvation is and they desire to experience it. Shouldn’t those of us, who are the objects of this mercy, shouldn’t we diligently pursue it also? Do you take your salvation for granted? You shouldn’t! Consider 1 Peter 1:12, whose theme is “the sufferings of Christ”, and the “glories that should follow them.” Peter also says, “It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves, but you, when they spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the Gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things.” “Them” refers to the searching prophets. They are the human authors of the Bible. The Holy Spirit is the divine author. God the Holy Spirit revealed to the human authors what to write. The word “revealed” means unveiled. God unveiled himself by revelation. These Old Testament prophets were not writing simply for themselves but for you and me, and future generations. Peter says, “Even angels long to look into these things.” And these things are: the sufferings of Christ, the great mystery of redemption and salvation by Christ, the doctrine of the Gospels in which the glory of grace, wisdom, righteousness, truth, and power of God is displayed. These things angels are delighted with; take pleasure in the contemplation of, desire a greater knowledge of, and want to acquaint themselves with. Our salvation is even the subject of angelic speculation. Our salvation is envied! Our salvation is great! And to think, salvation is all ours.
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