From school to your first job, your teenage years, your time in the military, your loves, your marriage, your career, your kids, your in-laws…everything is your life is on review! Let’s not forget about your first lie, your first curse words, your first dirty joke, you first indiscretions, your chance to do something good that you passed up, your attempt at church, the veneer that others witness—instead of the Reel you! There are years and years of antics, bloopers, miscues, and much more. Everybody get your popcorn and soda ready, the show starts as soon as you die!
Wait…things could turn out differently. How, you ask—you plead.
For one thing, when the “Book of Life” is opened, your name better be there! “And whoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:15) The Lord is not slack concerning His promise. If you insist on your life being played to an audience, keep ignoring God and His pleas. If you want eternal peace start making changes Reel soon! It’s Reel important! Reely!
“What is your life anyway? You are a mist (a vapor) that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” James 4:14
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