The human mind is the most complex piece of engineered machinery in the world. But like a wild horse, if it’s not trained well and treated with respect, it can cause more destruction than construction. A collection of different colored paints can be spilled on the floor and create a variegated mess to be cleaned up. But placed in the right hands, these paints can be combined to produce a priceless Mona Lisa.
Remember the first time in school you were introduced to art? The teacher gave everyone a canvas of white paper and some primary colors to create a picture only an adolescent mind could produce. Maybe it consisted of a hose with grass lawn, a sky with birds and a bright sun overhead. The magic inside you was just being conceived and you didn’t see it coming. The moment that the magic became real was when you were told what would happen when you mixed certain colors. The teacher said that when you mixed the color yellow with the color blue, you would make the color green. You thought it impossible until you tried it. It was at that very moment ANYTHING was possible!
When people take their very own mental prowess (the color blue), and add to it the Gospel of Jesus Christ (the brilliant color of yellow), do you know what color it produces? It produces the color of salvation. Something that wasn’t there before! Two primary colors that when blended, disappeared and produce something “un-creatable” any other way. Are you blended?
“In Christ there is all of God in a human body.” Colossians 2:9 This means that all of God was in Christ’s body, perfect blendedness. When we have Christ we have everything we need for salvation and right living. When we know Jesus Christ, we don’t need to seek God by means of other religions, cults, or unbiblical philosophers as the Colossians were. Christ alone holds the answer to the true meaning of life, because he is life. Are you blended?
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