nothing more, no afterlife, just live for the moment. Are you a Hemingway fan? He felt life is everything, death is nothing. WE KNOW DIFFERENTLY! We know that death is a portal to heaven or hell. Hemingway’s view was askew: apparently he never accepted his mother’s point of view. We know of a death that gives us everlasting life. For your information Hemingway’s father died by suicide. What kind of doctor and healer does this? In 1962 Hemingway attempted suicide…it worked! He never did accept Christ. ‘Our worldview’? We seek the second coming!
Life is short no matter how many years we live. But to have such a fatalist attitude and belief is sad. Don’t be deceived into thinking that you have lots of remaining time to live for Christ, to enjoy your loved ones, your work, your family, your friends, or to do what you know you should. Live for God today and everyday! Then, no matter when your life ends, you will have fulfilled God’s plan for you.
God says in Deuteronomy 30:19 “This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him”.
God doesn’t force his will on anyone. He lets us decide whether to follow him or reject him, in each new situation, we must affirm and reinforce this commitment to him. This decision, however, ‘is’ a life-or-death matter. God wants us to realize this, for he would like us all to choose life.
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