When Rebekah was pregnant the babies inside of her jostled each other! When she asked the Lord what was happening, the Lord told her, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger.” Genesis 25:23
Well, ‘that’ explained a few things, but it raised a dozen more questions. When the boys were born the first boy was red all over and was like a hairy garment; so he was named Esau. The second boy came out of the womb with one hand holding onto Esau’s heel! He was named Jacob. When the boys grew up, Esau became an outdoorsman, a skillful hunter and a man of the open country. Jacob was a quiet man, staying among the tents. ln short, one man was a redneck country boy, while the other was a mild mannered city boy. That would be the case for the rest of their lives. One man was fiercely independent with a quick temper and the other somewhat diplomatic.
lt was no secret the parents loved the boys, but each parent loved one more than the other. The father, lsaac, loved-the wild outdoorsman Esau, while Rebekah doted over Jacob. One boy was raised on the strings of a bow, while the other boy was raised on apron strings. Conflict was their destiny! The struggle within Rebekah 's womb was a foreshadow of what was to come. Each one of her twin boys became the father of a nation of people. The two peoples (the Edomites and the lsraelites) would shake the Earth ’s foundations even to this clay. The Arabs and the Jews still bicker!
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