If you’re a kid and you had never seen snow, wouldn’t you think that? Wouldn’t you think that the clouds themselves were actually breaking up and falling? Sure you would. Innocent minds think innocently and literally. Would you think it was the end of the world? If you were a kid—maybe, but you’re an adult now. You know that there are certain ‘signs’ that happen, that have a reasonable explanation.
When the Pharisees and the Sadducees asked Jesus for a ‘sign’, He refused (because they had already seen enough miracles to believe) except to refer them to 'the ’sign’ of the prophet Jonah (Matthew 12:39). Just as Jonah had been in a fish’s belly for three days and nights, so Jesus would be in the grave for the same amount of time. Jesus’ appearance after three days would indict his generation, just as the Ninevites were!
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