An Old Testament prophet was placing the call. His name was Daniel. He was calling asking God for assistance in a matter (dream interpretation). God received the call and immediately dispatched an answer. The answer was sent, but an eavesdropper interfered with the delivery of said message (for 21 days)! The incident is recorded in the Book of Daniel, Chapter 10. Daniel’s answer was sent and the messenger, an angel from God, was delivering the answer but was delayed by the prince of the Persian Kingdom! It wasn’t until Michael (the archangel), one of the chief princes, who came to help that the message was finally delivered. They explained the delay and the answer Daniel sought. Call completed! Thank you for using PTC (person-to-Creator).
Should you place a direct call to heaven, be patient, an answer is coming.
We have a direct line to God by knowing God the Father through His Son, Jesus. In Luke 11: 1—4 Jesus teaches his disciples how to pray and get directly to the Father. He said when you pray, say the Lord’s Prayer. Our prayers are a direct line to the Father.
“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Romans 10:13
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