Twenty years without a letter from home is a long time! Joseph wondered how the family was doing. Who had been sick, who had married, who had died and who had moved away? So many questions, so few answers. No news is unsettling! Would you have given the family a second thought after what had transpired? To be fair, Joseph’s family didn’t know where or who he was. A severe famine in Joseph’s hometown brought his brothers to Egypt to buy food. Joseph recognized his brother’s, but they didn’t recognize the powerful ruler before them. He was hungry for news from home, but played his role wisely. When he finally revealed himself to his brothers, they were terrified. What would happen to them? Had it been anyone other than Joseph, it might have been their final day. Joseph decided to forgive and forget and told them of God’s plan. Joseph told them, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50:20
God uses people’s evil actions to sometimes fulfill His ultimate plan. God is sovereign. His plans are not dictated by human actions. “So, then it was not you who sent me here (Egypt), but God.” Genesis 50:20.
Bottom line
“In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.” Psalm 56:11
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