Thursday, October 10, 2013

Still Trying To Control Time?

Yoyo Clock

Still trying to control time
Everyone wants to be in control of their destiny as much as time permits. According to the Bible, Methuselah lived 969 years and Jesus lived 33 years. Which man made the bigger impact on history? You may have noticed that this is not a legitimate question. You should know by now that it’s not the number of years lived, but the living in those years. Methuselah lived his life in such a way that people knew he believed and trusted in God. Jesus lived his life in such a way to encourage others to believe and trust in God.

History will be the judge of those who noticed, and followed Methuselah’s behavior and those who witnessed and followed Jesus’ lifestyle. Is there someone who is a major influence in your life? Godly people rarely make such an impression until we’re older and gain a little respect. Who do you want to be like? The co-worker who can drink 6 beers in six minutes, the lady next door who dances at the Kitty-Kat lounge and sells tiny pills as a sideline, or maybe the cutie movie star who’s been married five times and is dating number six, maybe you model yourself after a world champion yo-yoer. Careful who your role model is; it may rub off onto you.

What you do with your time is important. What you do with your talents is important. What you do with your treasure is important. What you do with your life is critical! Are you treating your life like a yo-yo where you venture out to the nightclubs and casinos and then roll yourself back home safely to wait for another weekend of fun and excitement? Is life about the next big adventure? While you are spinning about aimlessly, doing loops and spinning-in-place, time is slowly ticking along.  Time is silently waiting until your “number” is the next one to be called. If you need to change your lifestyle, maybe now is better than when it’s too late.

“See, then, that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore, be ye not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is.”  Ephesians 5:15-17

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