Sunday, June 29, 2014

Free Swimming Lessons

When we’re really young we don’t get many choices. It’s brush your teeth, get dressed, finish your milk, go to school, come straight home, do your chores, finish your homework, take your bath, turn off the TV, and turn out the lights. When we get to the point of making some decisions of our own, we know everything…right? Youth and inexperience never make a mistake, never miscalculate, always sees the clear choice, always exercise caution and control and follow the rules…right? Life is fraught with peril and indecision. Life is like living in deep water. There are rip-tides, sharp coral reefs beneath the surface, killer waves, great white sharks, electric eels, paralyzing jellyfish, and the occasional fish that swallows a prophet. However, Jesus gives us all we need to navigate treacherous waters. From the Sermon on the Mount, to his prayer at Gethsemane; he taught us to swim and not give up. He helped one to even walk on water. Now that we know better, we can do better. Right? Get noticed: swim against popular opinion, swim to help someone in need—reach out, some are drowning. Jesus gave us all we need to navigate the treacherous waters of life.
II Corinthians 1:4 gently consoles us, “God comforts us in all our troubles so that…we… can comfort those in trouble.”
Remember Michael Phelps, the Olympic Gold Medal winner, who won more gold medals than any other swimmer in history? At seven years old he didn’t even like getting his face wet. We all get scared at times, but we can overcome our fears. We might not walk on water like Peter, but we do walk through tough situations. And if we focus on the waves of difficult circumstances around us, without looking to Jesus for help, we too, may despair and sink. We need to do what Peter should have done—keep our eyes on the Savoir. When our faith fails, as Peter’s faltered, we need to reach out to Christ, the only one who can help. Peter was afraid, but he still looked to Christ. When you are apprehensive about the troubles around you and doubt Christ’s presence, or his ability to help, you must remember what the Psalmist stated;
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth gives way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though the waters roar…” Psalms 36:1

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Eye Candy

Ladies and Gentlemen: In this corner weighing in at 23 calories, is the Hershey’s ‘Kiss’ made of creamy milk chocolate. In the other corner, weighing in at 81 calories, is Godiva’s ‘Mélange’ made of mandarin mocha double chocolate with a liquid raspberry center, drizzled on top with white almond coconut marzipan and delicately enrobed with pralines. Delicious, delicious and decisions, decisions? What to do? At gift time, one is wished for, and one is given. One costs $2 a pound; and one costs $40 a pound! Is the product worth it? It depends upon your tastes, and if you have an orchard of money trees. Yes, candy is good food. And a differentiation is made in everything. One is good, one is savored. One comes in a simple silver wrapper; one comes in a box, and sometimes with a diamond ring. Reminds me of the Bible. One sometimes just reads it, and one reads, studies, and applies it. Again, one is good, the other is savored. It’s your choice. You want taste or satisfaction? Where do your tastes lie? Does it long for the rich rewarding and fulfillment of the Word? We must know what our souls hunger for. Jesus says, “Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures for eternal life, which the Son of Man gives you.” John 6:27 Jesus gets more detailed, “I am the bread of life, he who comes to me will never go hungry.” John 6:35 Regardless, of which candy we choose there is nothing sweeter than the words of Jesus. Palms 119:103 says, “How sweet are your words to my taste.” German researchers have discovered that eating a small amount of dark chocolate (about 1 square of a bar) daily can lower your risk of a heart attack or stroke by a whopping 39%. The antioxidants in cocoa are the magic ingredients. Prophet researchers have discovered by ingesting the Bible daily we can not only eliminate heart attacks and strokes but, we will be given a whole new body. There is eye candy out there, but let’s choose substance and everlasting nutrition over sweet advertisements.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Need Protection?

Umbrellas are a unique invention serving people all over the world. They come in a variety of colors and sizes. Their main function is to protect an individual from a downpour of rain. Under ideal conditions they perform their tasks with excellence. In the Old Testament, the prophet Elijah predicted it would not rain in Samaria for three and a half years! Luke 4:25 and James 5:17 bear this out.
No one in that area needed any protection from the rain—there was none! The drought lasted until Elijah challenged the false prophets of the god Baal, to a contest (1 Kings). Elijah played the role of a fight promoter setting up a contest between the God of Israel and the prophets of Baal. Eight hundred and fifty false prophets of Baal, plus a large number of Israelites gathered on Mount Carmel to witness the challenge. Two bulls were placed on two alters and whoever answered by fire was the true god!

The false prophet called on their god all morning and afternoon—there was no answer. Elijah asked that four large jars of water be poured on his sacrifice. The water, a precious commodity in a drought, drenched the bull, the alter, it also filled the trench surrounding the alter. Elijah called on God once and fire fell from heaven! The fire consumed the meat, the wood on the altar, the stones comprising the alter and even consumed the water in the trench surrounding the alter! In one minute, Elijah’s prayer was answered and a firestorm fell from heaven and settled the matter of who was the true God!

Bottom line Umbrellas may be good for a driving rain, but they are no match when it’s raining fire from heaven!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Bird Brain

Many people don’t give birds the respect they deserve. The Bible has plenty to say about our feathered friends. God created them, and that ought to be enough for us to respect them. They play a role in history that some people couldn’t. When Noah built the ark, God instructed him to take two of every kind of animal on board except birds. God instructed him to take seven of every kind of bird. (Genesis 7:3)

When the flood subsided and the ark came to rest on a mountaintop, Noah released a raven from the ark, and then he released a dove. When the dove returned with an olive leaf, Noah knew the water had gone down. When God instructed Noah to release all the animals in the ark, Noah built an altar and sacrificed some of the clean birds on it. God was pleased. (Genesis 8)

God directed ravens to bring bread and meat to Elijah during a severe drought. (1 Kings 17:6) Jesus reminded his audience that the ravens neither sow nor reap, and yet God feeds them. (Luke 12:24) Joseph and Mary offered a sacrifice at the Temple when Jesus was born. Since they were poor, their sacrifice was “a pair of doves or two young pigeons”. (Luke 2:24) God was pleased.

Jesus was talking to his disciples about their worth in the eyes of God. “And how much more valuable you are than the birds!” Luke 12:24

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Clean Image?

Believe it or not there are people in this world who have a clean image. Politicians, bankers and those on K-street should politely excuse themselves. What should a clean image go for these days? Can you buy a clean image? Should a clean image be traded like a rare baseball card, or sold to the highest bidder? What’s that old saying—you can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people, all the time. Let’s be perfectly clear: you can fool people, but not God!

The Bible says volumes about some people in just a few choice words. Abraham was called God’s friend. Enoch walked with God. David was a man after God’s own heart. Moses saw the glory of the Lord. Elizabeth and her husband Zechariah were both upright in the sight of the Lord. These special people led exceptional lives and it is recorded for the ages. More important, God acknowledged their contribution to humanity. Prime examples of how the rest of humanity should conduct themselves, they lived lives that pleased their creator. That is no small feat!

One man rises to the top like cream is mentioned in the Gospel of Luke. Promised he would see the Messiah before he died, he waited patiently. Not knowing what to expect exactly, one day the Messiah was presented to him as a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. Is a clean image that important? “Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout.” Luke 2:25

Bottom Line: 

"The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? But I, the LORD, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.
Jeremiah 17:8-9

Monday, June 23, 2014

A Taste of Celebration?

Everybody loves a party. Birthday, wedding, anniversary, they are all good occasions to celebrate. What about the “Great Exodus”? That should‘a been the greatest celebration of all time right? The Israelites escaping the Egyptian army and crossing through the Red Sea on dry ground to safety, saving millions of men, women and children! What an awesome event!

Three months after leaving Egypt (thanks to 10 miraculous plagues) they landed in the Sinai desert. Moses went up on Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments and other instructions. Gone for only 40 days, the people got restless. They demanded Aaron ‘make’ them a false god to worship in the meantime! They offered up gold to be melted, and Aaron fashioned a ‘golden calf’. They made offerings to it and worshiped it! Can you imagine? Moses returned, and full of anger, he broke the Ten Commandments. He melted down the golden calf and ground the gold into powder. He took the powder and sprinkled it over the water and made the people drink it!

Some celebration! No more music, dancing, drinking or celebrating: the party was indeed over. The taste of rebellion and acting foolish was bitter for years (kind of like enduring a bad president for four years). Even though the idol was gone, the idea wasn’t gone. Idol worship reappeared again when Solomon's Kingdom split into the Northern and Southern Kingdom.

You may remember God’s first commandment… “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, Out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:2

Friday, June 20, 2014

When is Something Not What it Seems?

Wheelchair  grocery cartWhen does someone need help—when they ask, when you see a need, when they cannot help themselves? Are they really in need, could they be striking a pose, or are they preying on your generosity? It’s not an easy call to be discerning. On September 30, 1938, after meeting with Adolph Hitler, and his cabinet, England’s Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain returned from Germany and reported to the British people that they, had reached, “Peace for our time” concerning the Munich Agreement. This peace was rather short-lived; the Germans occupied the Sudetenland (Czechoslovakia) the very next day! By force! Without mercy some 250,000 were killed! If we overlook the fact that Mr. Chamberlain’s swelled ego affected his judgment; we realize that oftentimes a politician can’t discern what the best course of action is; especially when it’s all shiny and rolled up to greet you.

The Bible records an event where someone pretended to be incapacitated. This wasn’t just anybody; it was the future King of Israel! He wasn’t pretending to be ‘just’ incapacitated; he was pretending to be insane! He was insane like a fox! David was trying to escape the clutches of Saul, he fled for refuge to Philistine territory, wearing Goliath’s sword of all things! David’s exploits were well known to the Philistines for he had slain thousands of their own people. David later feigned insanity to persuade Achish (King of Gath) to let him leave. David pretended to be insane in their presence: “While he was in their hands he acted like a madman, making marks on the doors of the gate and letting saliva run down his beard”. King Achish said, “Look at the man! He is insane! Why bring him to me?” 1 Samuel 21:14. It was a custom not to harm the mentally unstable people. 1 Samuel 21 records all the details.

Was David’s lie excusable because a war was going on and it’s the duty of a soldier to deceive the enemy? Fact is, David’s lie led to the death of 85 priests 1 Samuel 22:9-19. His lie seemed harmless enough but it led to tragedy. The Bible makes it very clear that lying is wrong (Leviticus 19:11). Lying like every other sin, is serious and in God’s sight may lead to other serious consequences. Don’t minimize or categorize sins. 

David’s plan worked. The providence of God was watching over David since the day Goliath felt the sting of his sling. His independence from Saul was critical; his dependence on God was essential. David was not what he seemed, he was a King, protected by the KING of KINGS.

And he hath on [his] vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. Revelation 19:16

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Who Laughed Last?

In the Bible, children are seen as a direct blessing from God. If a woman was childless, it was seen as a slight from the Lord. Abraham and Sarah had always wanted a child. But Abraham was 99 years old, and Sarah was 89, so having children seemed rather impossible. One day several angels visited Abraham and Sarah and informed them that the Lord would let them have a child! Finding that statement incredible Abraham laughed out loud, and when his wife Sarah overheard the conversation from inside the tent, she laughed quietly to herself.

The angel said that he would be back one year from that day, and that by then, Sarah will have a son. Imagine being parents at 90 and 100! As we fast forward twelve months, we find that Abraham and Sarah did indeed have a son, God kept his promise despite their doubts and giggles.

“Then God said, Sarah will bear you a son, and you will call him Isaac.” Genesis 17:19

Abraham named his son Isaac when he was born. When God told Abraham to name his son Isaac; that statement was made before Sarah was told she would have a child! Don’t you find it interesting that the name Isaac means…He Laughs!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


It’s a well known fact that good things come in small packages – right? What if a package was delivered to you and the return address was heaven? The stamp would certainly be worth collecting. What if it contained exactly what you needed? What if it wasn’t a good thing, but a “great thing” and you didn’t recognize it or understand that you needed it? What if you opened the package and it didn’t bring you happiness? What if it brought you…pain, and suffering, and agony, and misery?! Then what? It was addressed to you and you had to take whatever was inside!

Tough break? Not necessarily. The Bible is full of stories about people who suffer, and because of it God is lifted up, and lives are changed for the better. Maybe it takes a day, a year, a generation, a lifetime, or eons!

The Gospel of John, Chapter 9, records the story about a man born blind and how his sight is restored by Jesus. A miracle preformed in the same town where he lived and where everyone knew him. Some of the religious leaders, the Pharisees, couldn’t, or wouldn’t believe it. A miracle was performed on the Jewish Sabbath, a day when no work was permitted! They dismissed the miracle; they wanted the healer punished…for healing on a Sabbath day! Can you imagine? From all indications, the man saw life much differently from then on!

They asked Jesus, who sinned, this man or his parents that this man was born blind? Jesus told them, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life” John 9:1-3. In Jesus’ day people had different reactions to his work, his messages, and his miracles. The neighbors revealed surprise and skepticism; the Pharisees showed disbelief and prejudice; the parents of this blind man kept quiet for fear of excommunication; and the healed man showed consistent, growing faith. The common belief in Jewish culture was that calamity or suffering was a result of some great sin. But Christ used this man’s suffering to teach about faith and to glorify God.

“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18
“And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together…”Isaiah 40:5

Bottom Line
Now can you see why it’s important to open your gift?

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Roll Them Bones

Webster's dictionary describes luck as: the chance happening of adverse or fortunate events; to gain success or something desirable by chance. Lucky for us, God doesn't traffic in chance or luck. Our worldview should be that the creator of the universe is in control. Nations and kingdoms rise and fall at His pleasure. Kings and presidents rise and fall according to His will. Don't think the universe is aimlessly putting one foot in front of the other like a drunk walking down the street.

Many consider life as a gamble, winning some battles, while losing others. Although it's simplistic for us to think life is vanity, God sees things in an eternal perspective. People's lives have meaning and contribute to fulfill God's plan for the ages.

If Judas hadn't betrayed Christ, God would have raised someone else to handle the thirty pieces of silver. If Pilate hadn't given the order to crucify Jesus, Herod would have, and if not Herod, then someone else. History is preordained to follow a certain path. Prophecy must be fulfilled. Human behavior may alter the sequence of events, but Gods' will has always; and will always take precedence. So go ahead, roll them bones, seven come eleven, a Great Judgment Day is coming! We'll be part of it - bet on it! “…for the LORD will bring charges against the nations; he will bring judgment on all mankind and put the wicked to the sword,' declares the LORD”. Jeremiah 25:31Jeremiah 25:31

Monday, June 16, 2014


Sometimes our imagination can get the best of us. When we’re frightened, we imagine every kind of danger and flinch at every noise. When we’re feeling our oats, everything is right with the world and we’re invincible. Our imagination is greatest when we are children, because we don’t know any limits. Anything is possible, and nothing is impossible. Childlike faith was applauded by Jesus. Did the children have any doubt that he was the Son of God, and could take them to heaven? Not at all. How about the adults? They wouldn’t believe anything, and wanted a miracle just to get their attention. Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us, “We are saved by grace through faith.”

Why can’t we accept that plain truth? Why do we need something we can’t see? Like the man in Luke 16, we want to believe when it’s too late! The picture before you, what do you imagine it to be? Some may see an egg that no chicken could hatch! Some may see an egg that no chicken could lay! What would a child think about the picture? They might see a porcupine that’s too big for its shell! Quit over-thinking: accept it’s by grace through faith and move on. 

Bottom Line 

“For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Super Charged Turbo-pig

Turbo charged piggy bank
Formula racing, Touring car racing, Sports car racing, Stock car racing (NASCAR), Rally racing, Drag racing, Off-road racing, Salt flats racing: all of these racing styles have one thing in common—the overwhelming passion to be the fastest on the planet. They spare no expense in their quest to be the fastest and the most competitive, even at the peril of their own safety and lives. The racers are highly skilled, extremely agile, and driven to be the stuff of legends. They are a cutthroat lot of competitors.

The Milwaukee Mile is the oldest motor racing track in the world. Racing has been there since 1903. There are super racetracks now, they have banked curves, safety rails and fencing, ergonomically designed pit stops and a myriad of safety features built into the cars and tracks. With seating for tens of thousands, they are a marvel of modern science. Maybe the racetrack Ben Hur raced his chariot on was the first, but the Bible has given us proof that a racetrack existed in the New Testament with tragic and deadly results.

In the Book of Mark, chapter 5, we read of a man possessed by demons that Jesus healed. The demons who were cast out of the man wanted to inhabit another warm body, so they begged Jesus if they could move into a herd of nearby pigs! The demons begged Jesus, “Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them.” (verse 12). Jesus gave them permission and they immediately went into the pigs. Jesus hence ended their destructive work in people. The herd of pigs numbered about two thousand. Eyewitnesses reported a strange phenomenon transpired. The pigs started racing down a steep bank toward the lake. It was like the starting gun at the brickyard 500, with 2,000 super-charged turbo-pigs struggling for the lead position. The famous downhill dirt track was a melee of uncontrolled squealing, hooves thundering, and snouts grunting for the rail position! What happened? All two thousand pigs ran right into the lake and drowned! There was no clear winner except the man who was healed.

There is another lake that will hold demons—The lake of fire. The lake of fire is the ultimate destination of everything wicked—Satan, the beast, the false prophet, the demons, death, Hades, and all those whose names are not recorded in the book of life because they did not place their faith in Jesus Christ. The apostle John wrote the last Book in the Bible (Revelation) and his vision does not permit any gray areas in God’s judgment. If by faith we have not identified with Christ, confessing him as Lord, there will be no hope, no second chance, and no other appeal.

“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment”
Hebrews 9:27

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Won Any Gold Medals Lately

Olympics brings out the best athletes in the world. The world waits for the competition between runners, swimmers, wrestlers and other athletic categories. The range of sports has grown considerably since the Greeks started the competitive games in 776 BC. There are a slew of new sports, unheard of by the Greeks, but then; they never had to deal with TV networks and endorsements. One thing hasn’t changed—the old fashioned art of archery. From Genesis to ole William Tell it is one of the oldest forms of competition. From war to friendly contests, archery still tests the skills of the individual. It is not a team sport! 

It’s a singular-personal-individual-achievement. The book of Romans reveals to the world, how good at archery we are. Chapter 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Everyone misses the mark. Not many, not most, but all have sinned—all fall short. Romans 3:10 confirms it, “There is none righteous, no not one.” Maybe we should draw on our own faith when we aim for the prize of eternal life. No question, some sins seem bigger than others, because the obvious consequences are more serious. Murder, for example, appears to us to be worse than hatred, and adultery, appears worst than lust. But this doesn’t mean that just because we do lesser sins we deserve eternal life. Sin is sin. All sin makes us sinners and it cuts us off from God. All sin, leads to death regardless of how great or small it seems. Like an Olympic archer, if he doesn’t qualify, he doesn’t qualify. Let us not minimize ‘little’ sins or ‘overrate’ big sins, they all separate us from living with God, but they can all still be forgiven. Paul gives us wonderful news. There’s a way to be declared not guilty-by trusting Jesus to take away the sin. “Therefore, my brothers, I want you to know, through Jesus, forgiveness is proclaimed to you” Acts 18:38. You’re forgiven, don’t you feel refreshed? Revel in it!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Knot Everything Is Obvious

Why don’t things happen the way they are supposed to? Children are not supposed to die before their parents. Hard work and loyalty should be rewarded and appreciated, not discarded for cheaper labor. People should control and use money, not the other way around. Greed, lust, and avarice should give way to thrift, honesty, and good deeds. News flash—we’re not in the Garden of Eden anymore; our life has been touched with sin. People die at the wrong time, work and thrift are exchanged for wealth without toil, the whole world groans because the curse is still with us. Things are out of control, but, there remains faith, hope and charity, so don’t be forlorn. Romans 8:6 comforts us, “The mind controlled by the Spirit is life and Peace.” Sometimes a rope breaks and it needs…examining:
  1. Who made the rope?
  2. What materials were used?
  3. Were industry standards followed?
  4. Were there any resulting injuries?
  5. Have the lawyers been called?
  6. Who can be held responsible?
  7. Can money be collected for damages?
  8. Can the rules for rope-making be changed?
  9. Is it possible to tax all rope users?
Sometimes a rope breaks…and it needs replacing. We are often confused by the events around us. Many things we will never understand; other things will fall into place later in life and we will look back to see how God was working. We cannot worry about everything that happens. Proverbs 20:23 reminds us, “A man’s steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand his own way?” If you want God to direct your way, protect you, then seeks God’s advice before you step out—before the rope frays and breaks. Philippians 4:6 reassures us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, in prayer and petition…present your requests to God.” Want to worry less? Pray more.