Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Knot Everything Is Obvious

Why don’t things happen the way they are supposed to? Children are not supposed to die before their parents. Hard work and loyalty should be rewarded and appreciated, not discarded for cheaper labor. People should control and use money, not the other way around. Greed, lust, and avarice should give way to thrift, honesty, and good deeds. News flash—we’re not in the Garden of Eden anymore; our life has been touched with sin. People die at the wrong time, work and thrift are exchanged for wealth without toil, the whole world groans because the curse is still with us. Things are out of control, but, there remains faith, hope and charity, so don’t be forlorn. Romans 8:6 comforts us, “The mind controlled by the Spirit is life and Peace.” Sometimes a rope breaks and it needs…examining:
  1. Who made the rope?
  2. What materials were used?
  3. Were industry standards followed?
  4. Were there any resulting injuries?
  5. Have the lawyers been called?
  6. Who can be held responsible?
  7. Can money be collected for damages?
  8. Can the rules for rope-making be changed?
  9. Is it possible to tax all rope users?
Sometimes a rope breaks…and it needs replacing. We are often confused by the events around us. Many things we will never understand; other things will fall into place later in life and we will look back to see how God was working. We cannot worry about everything that happens. Proverbs 20:23 reminds us, “A man’s steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand his own way?” If you want God to direct your way, protect you, then seeks God’s advice before you step out—before the rope frays and breaks. Philippians 4:6 reassures us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, in prayer and petition…present your requests to God.” Want to worry less? Pray more.

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