Sunday, August 31, 2014

Can a Doll Save Your Life?

Can a Doll Save YourLife
You’re behind enemy lines and coming dangerously close to being found. There is no outrunning the enemy, there is no outfighting the enemy, there’s no escaping the enemy, and the pressure is steadily building. Desperation sets in quickly! There is one option left, by uttering a fast prayer, there is outfoxing the enemy! When all else fails, try prayer!

The scenario you have envisioned is not a Hollywood scrip undergoing final revision, it’s not a sci-fi short story by a master wordsmith, it’s not an almost true story of a prisoner caught up in World War 1 in France, it’s not the Twilight Zone—this is real and death is at the doorstep knocking. What it is, is a true story straight from the Greatest Story ever told. It’s a story straight from the Bible that makes you think, why television doesn’t use more of these stories and less manufactured garbage from hallucinogenic egos.

You interested in detail? Chapter and verse? Go to the Old Testament, find the Book of Joshua, find chapter two, grab a snack and a cup of coffee and settle in for a thrill a minute. Best of all, there are no commercials interrupting.

The Exodus had recently happened. The nation sent out spies to size up the land God had promised. While scoping out their options, two of the spies were hiding in the city of Jericho, in the house of a prostitute named Rahab. Rehab’s house was in an ideal location for a quick escape because it was built into the city wall. God directed the spies to Rehab’s house because he knew her heart was open to him and that she would be instrumental in the Israelite victory over Jericho. As for her lying to the troops, God will use people with simple faith to accomplish his great purposes, regardless of their past. When the king of Jericho was told of the spies, he looked to Rahab to rat them out. Rahab told him, they had already left the city, when in fact she hid them on the roof under piles of flax. But the heart of this story is the kindness showed by her toward them. She would save them if they would do something for her. When they came into the land that God had promised, they must let her family live. The agreement was struck. Everyone lived to see another day.

God works through people—like Rahab—whom we are inclined to reject. God remembers her because of her faith, not her profession. At times we all feel like failures, when this happens remember that Rahab rose above her situation through her trust in God. You can do the same!

What a happy ending. One beautiful doll saved the lives of two. Two later saved the lives of dozens. But the most beautiful part, Rahab knew the God of the Israelites could be trusted. Being a relative of Boaz made her a relative of King David, which made her a relative of Jesus! Dolls rock.

“By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient.” Hebrews 11:31

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Trash in Shining Armor

How do you feel about suicide bombers, terrorists, and nefarious politicians? Many are meticulous, masterminds, and yes murderers. Most are well dressed, well mannered, well heeled, and well…full of garbage! Although their outward appearance looks ordinary, what’s on the inside? Good intentions, abundant charity, an overwhelming love for all mankind? Hardly. Or should we say, not a snowball’s chance. These guys are Toxic!

Trash Can
First impressions hardly belie what lurks under the surface. There’s deceit, treachery, and all that gooey slime that makes them revolting friend! That’s right—friend. Remember when Judas betrayed Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane? As Judas approached him, Jesus said, “Friend, do what you came for.” Matthew 26:50 Even under the guise of comradeship, Jesus showed Judas respect and courtesy. How do you treat your nemesis?
Jesus reserved some of his scintillating barbs for the truly deserving. That would be none other than the shined-up Pharisees. 

They were an ancient Jewish sect emphasizing strict observance of the Mosiac law in both its oral and written form. They were a sanctimonious lot, but, Jesus treated them with courtesy but jabbed them when they tried to trick him to make themselves look good at his expense. Near the end of his ministry, Jesus had a discussion with the people about the Pharisees. Matthew chapter 23 reveals what Jesus thought about them.
Jesus reminds the people what they already knew. Jesus told the people not to do what the Pharisees do, for they don’t practice what they preach. He said that everything they do is to show off their vaulted position. He calls them selfish, hypocrites, blind men, blind guides, blind fools, snakes, and a brood of vipers! Do you detect any love lost between the two? Jesus says that they are like whitewashed tombs, which looks beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean! Question—what’s the difference between a new garbage can filled with trash and a whitewashed tomb? One can change from within, and one cannot. Meaning? There is always going to be ‘garbage-in’ and ‘garbage-out’. In accepting that Jesus’ blood covered all our sins we don’t have to be left with a whitewashed tombs and dead men's bones, for once we’ve accepted Jesus as our Lord, Savior, King and we’ve drawn our last breath--we can leave all the garbage behind.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Friday, August 29, 2014

When Ya Gonna Face The Music?

when are you going to face the music
Most everyone has several favorite songs they enjoy listening and singing to. Songwriters are an extremely prolific and talented group of high achievers. Depending on your age and musical tastes you may recognize the lyrics.

“Hello darkness my old friend, I’ve come to talk with you again. Because a vision softly creeping, left its seeds while I was sleeping. And the vision that was planted in my brain still remains, within the sounds of silence.”

These lyrics were written by Paul Simon in 1964, and the song, titled “The Sounds of Silence” was also the name of the album released in 1966. Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel were a very special singing duo that sold millions of albums. Many songwriters mix allegory and metaphors into their lyrics that are hidden, sometimes for decades. Music has always been an outlet for creative talent to weave messages through the medium of music.

Because Paul Simon was Jewish, you might have noticed hidden undertones of prophecy and destiny in his lyrics. Even though we are not all songwriters we do face the music of everyday situations, the people around us, and the company you keep daily, these uncertainties might alter the course of how you worship. Want to know a total stranger quickly, just start up a conversation on politics or religion. You’ll quickly create a symbiotic relationship or a fanatical foe, within minutes, you’ll discover if they’re an opponent or an empathetic ear.

Researchers recently analyzed more than 1,000 top 40 hits spanning five decades, and found that popular music may be going more toward the melancholy and sadder side than in the 1960’s. The research found that the best-selling songs are not only likelier to be in a minor key but have also become longer and increasingly down tempo. Do you feel sadder listening to today’s music? People seemed to have veered into things that are more complex on an emotional level, perhaps as an unconscious marker of sophistication. Part of this is obviously due to an emphasis on “self”. There are self-help books for everything now, more psychology books than ever, and most television programs focus on one’s self. The question begs, “Who are you?” or “Who do you think you are?” Vague clues to our collective psyche and individual selfness may indeed be hidden in some forms of pop music, but we must be careful not to draw a clear, solid line between hit songs and the national mood.

Jesus often stirred the pot when he struck up a conversation with someone. Invariably Jesus would ask, “Who do people say I am?” Mark 8::27 Then he would ask them, “Who do you say I am?” Mark 8:29 What if Jesus asked you? Are you ready to face the music? Is darkness your old friend? When the end comes and you’re being questioned by God about your praising his Son Jesus, do you want to be caught with “the sounds of silence?” At death, are you going to be singing, “Hello darkness, my old friend?” Or, as John wrote, will you recognize the Creator as, “The light of the world”. John 8:12

Peter answered best in Mark 8:29 "You are the Christ".

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Fool Me Once...Every Day

What if you took some medicine and it made you feel terrific but cured zip? Would you want to continue taking the medicine just so you could feel better while at the same time some terrible disease was ravaging your mind and body? What would the priority be—feeling better or getting better? As the kids say, that should be a no-brainer. Heal the body first and let the feel-good part take care of itself in time. Here’s a trick question, what if it’s your mind that’s in need of a curative medicine, not just a touchy feely good pill, white powdery substance or something else?

Drug is Fake
Have we gotten so used to being taught the wrong ideas that we don’t want to entertain a different point of view? Christianity isn’t afraid to be compared with other beliefs, but once the differences are debated and ironed out and only the truth is left, start moving forward, don’t linger. The Apostle Paul wrote the Book of Colossians to help refute some false teaching going on. His advice can be summed up in one simple verse with hidden meaning.

“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than Christ.” Colossians 2:8

Paul was addressing the false teaching of the church at Colossae. It seems to have been a real stew from several chefs. It was syncretistic, fusing Jewish legalism, Greek philosophic speculation, and some Oriental mysticism all stirred together. It sounded good, felt good, and saved no one! They worshiped angels, practiced asceticism (the belief the body was inherently evil) and some Jewish rules regarding observing the Sabbath. 

Paul emphasized the significance of Christ as Lord of creation and Head of the Church. For the record, any teaching, practice, or intermediary that detracts from the centrality of Christ is against the faith.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Brain Storm

Technically speaking that phrase could mean any of several things. Culturally it could mean that several people have joined together to exchange ideas on how to “innovate” a solution to a given problem. By exchanging possible alternate scenarios, the process has garnered the name of “brain storming”. 

Medically it could mean that someone is experiencing transient neurological abnormalities caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. In short: a seizure. This brain storm might cause twitching or jerking of the limbs, hallucinations or intense feelings of fear or amnesia. If the abnormal electrical activity spreads throughout the brain, consciousness is lost and a grand mal seizure results. A storm of destruction occurs.

The Bible mentions a type of brain storm that we should practice but don’t. It’s a conditional brain storm. If you apply all your energy and innovate what might happen, letting the electrical activity in your brain arouse some intense feelings of familiarity, some ancient and primal images may storm your brain. Pause your busy life and ruminate. Consider what might be.

Job 37:14, consider God’s wonders. Psalm 107:43, consider the great love of the Lord. Ecclesiastes 7:13, Consider what God has done. James 1:2, consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

Considering all the storms in life, maybe, just maybe, we should consider the storms sent from heaven and the storms sent from hell, and consider that those squalls are developing our perseverance—which develops maturity.

When caught in the storms of life, it is easy to think that God has lost control and that we’re at the mercy of the winds of fate. Not so. In reality, God is sovereign. Just as Jesus calmed the waves, he can calm whatever storms we may face. “He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm.” Luke 6:24 The Bible is a book full of “Uncommon Commentaries” when read they build our faith, when trusted they can change the course of our very lives.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

What He Caught

What He Caught
Learning is a lifelong process, as it should be. The sooner we learn how the world works, the more unnecessary pain and suffering we can avoid. If you catch on early enough to spot trends, avoid bad habits, and learn how to read people, the earlier you can trod the road to happiness and success. Many are eager to learn they just do not like being taught. We need to have confidence in our natural abilities to learn. For instance, there is nothing that you are presently doing right now that you did not have to learn. At one time the things you are now able to do were unfamiliar and maybe frightening. This is the nature of life, but we can learn. You can learn new patterns of relating and functioning; this, after all, is the essence of the personal power of what God wants for you. He wants to make us mature and complete; he will help us grow in our learning. Learning is a test. You can catch on.

Baseball glove
While learning we will run into resistance and it this is a good sign that you are learning. Nothing comes easy. We all have to work at learning. Remember the clear message that the Scriptures give us when you encounter resistances, persevering to the end will bring great rewards, “…receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls” 1 Peter 1:9, and remember what James stated, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:2-4 You can catch on.

A policeman undertakes months of training to be a competent officer and learn to do their job with accuracy, thoroughness, and professionalism. A doctor undergoes years and years of training to achieve the same desired results. A soldier is in much the same position with a few minor alterations. One of those alterations is to follow orders without question. The inevitability calls for the soldier to perform some tasks that may be morally offensive. On occasion, the soldier’s orders may place him in a Catch-22 situation. That’s the position where he is technically between a rock and a hard place!

There is a recorded instance where one soldier found himself in exactly that very position. Following orders despite his strong reservations, he became embroiled in an episode recorded for the ages. This soldier happened to be detailed to the group that watched and transported Jesus from Jerusalem to Golgotha for crucifixion. Caught up in the drama, he realized what had just happened but was powerless to effect any change that would matter.

The eyewitness account is recorded in the gospel of Luke. After hanging on the cross for six hours, the final words of Jesus were,”Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” (Luke 23:46) Immediately the soldier (centurion) who saw what happened said, “Surely this was a righteous man.” (Luke 23:47)

Bottom line:

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” Proverbs 1:7 What did the soldier catch? He caught on!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Ministry or Mayhem

Ministry or Mayhem
When Jesus gave his eleven disciples the great commission found in Matthew chapter 28, they had a tremendous task before them. Jesus told them to “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 29:19-20 Many feel scholars and theologians made up this concept of the Trinity and are reading it into Scripture. However, as you read in Matthew, the concept clearly comes directly from Jesus personally. He did not say baptize them into the names, but into the name of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Even though the word Trinity does not appear in Scripture, it is well described in the three-in-one nature of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Easy as pie; right? What do you think was the first result they got; ministry growth or mayhem? It’s common knowledge that everyone desperately wanted to be told how to live their lives and how to treat their neighbors. The whole world was so eager to change their lifestyle they jumped at the chance to discard their old habits and treat each other with love and kindness.

RiotThe disciples weren’t under any illusions; they knew how people treated Jesus when he trod the Holy Land, why would they suddenly change into something they’ve never been? Jesus told them that they would be hated because they associated themselves with him. They did what Jesus asked them to do. The gospel of Jesus Christ spread slowly at first. People who saw the disciple’s integrity were the first to believe; then slowly, others.

Was their assignment a piece of cake? Jesus warned them resistance would come in every size and shape. After his conversion, the apostle Paul would put the task of spreading the gospel into ‘real world’ terms. He said that being a servant of God; they would face the following trials: troubles, hardships, distresses, beatings, imprisonments, riots, hard work, sleepless nights, hunger, and a host of other afflictions in the course of their duty.

They were God’s ambassadors; God was making his appeal through them. What exactly was their message? God made Jesus who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. Here is the heart of the gospel: the sinless Savior has taken our sins that we might have God’s righteousness
Bottom line:

How did the apostles carry out the commandment that was given to them in the Great Commission?..."Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. When they heard [this], they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus." Acts 19:4-5 [KJV]

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Fill 'er Up

Fill er up
thimbleDoes your life feel like an empty thimble? Small, inconsequential, minuscule, almost invisible? Is work grinding you up slowly, your mate, kids, grandkids demanding more of your time, chores at home increasing exponentially, car trouble, bills increasing, is the daily cost of living squeezing the money you haven’t even earned? Life’s overwhelming? Think you need a long vacation on some secluded beach with a pina coloda’s coming at you nonstop? The warm sun on your face, the sand between your toes, the deep blue water beckons you to come in and the swaying of the palm trees wave at you.

The technical term for this malady is ‘perpendicular ieus’. For a million reasons you have decided that it’s time the world revolved around you! You should have been born wealthy, you should have had the best job offers, you should be worrying about your spa appointment, you should be shopping on Rodeo drive, you should be on the talk shows telling how your life as a famous writer now revolves around non-stop charity fund-raising, you should have the paparazzi following you!

\When we take our eyes off life in general, that’s when we suffer a case of depression or a bout of super-ego mania! Who or what’s behind all this consternation and confusion? Who else: the evil one that troubled Job centuries ago. Job lost all his family and all his possessions in a matter of hours, and then Job was afflicted with gargantuan health problems, and when he realized all the chaos directed at him was by Satan, how did he respond? He said to his wife, “Shall we accept the good from God, and not trouble?” Job 2:10

Job’s wife believed that all the suffering was because God was unfair. This is a perfectly normal reaction to suffering but it is totally contrary to the character of God. Empirical evidence (that which we gain from observation) is how many people jump to their conclusions. Unless we consider revelational evidence (that which comes from God), we will reason like Job’s wife did. Pain isn’t always suffering—if can help us grow. Life will have challenges, God watches how we respond. Suffering is often a mystery and Job respected this mystery—the mystery of God himself. The greatest mystery in suffering is how it can bring a person into the presence of God in a state of worship. Job’s suffering was a test for Job himself, and Satan and humans—NOT for God. When all was said and done; Job passed a test which proves that people can love God for who he is, not for what he can give.

YOU can empty an ocean one thimble at a time if needed, or fill 'er up.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Get Smart--Act Smart

Act Smart Title
There are a lot of bright people in the world. Some are so brilliant it’s a wonder all those filaments don’t ooze out their sockets! You would naturally expect that the most brilliant would act the most brilliant. That rule of thumb might actually work in the animal kingdom, but when it comes to humans…nothing could be further from the truth.

Scripture gives us several examples of those with extreme higher intelligence and the predictable results one might expect from cranial overload. Because the Bible is a book about people in all their complexity, it dares to mention one man in particular who was Michelangelo, Newton, Einstein, and many others all rolled up into one neat package. This person was an authority on the subject of deuterocanonical matters. In truth he was well acquainted with history, botany, government, astronomy metallurgy, farming, architecture, and numerous other subjects covered by Webster’s dictionary. You see, one day God approached this man and asked him what he wanted. God said that He would give him whatever he asked for. This man could have asked for great wealth, or great power, or great anything and it would have been given to him.

Get Smart
This special man, the son of David, King of Israel, was appointed to be the next leader of Israel. This humble son of David knew his abilities were limited and he asked God for wisdom! Wisdom to govern the people of Israel, wisdom to discern good from bad and wisdom to do the right thing before God and everyone. God was very impressed with this young man’s request. God granted him several things—wisdom to rule, and wealth, and long life, and His blessings! Who could ask for more?!

It is clear that God’s gift of wisdom to Solomon did not mean that he couldn’t make mistakes—because he did. He excessively taxed his people and drafted them into a labor and military force, married the Pharaoh’s daughter for political reasons and sealed many foreign agreements by marrying pagan wives. He allowed his pagan wives to affect his loyalty to God. Wisdom is only effective when it is put into action. Effective leadership can be nullified by an ineffective personal life. Even though Solomon failed to obey God completely, he did learn the lesson of repentance late in life. The book of Ecclesiastes records Solomon’s reflections on life. In that book we find a man proving through bitter experiences that finding meaning in life apart from God is a vain pursuit.

Solomon asked God for wisdom to carry out his job—he didn’t ask God to do the job for him! God wants to work through us. To this day none has come along smarter than Solomon. Proverbs 9:10 puts it this way, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

Friday, August 22, 2014

Put On A Happy Face

Remember coloring with crayons in a coloring book? Remember some adult looking over your shoulder saying, “Make sure you color inside the lines”! Remember your parents saying, “That sure is beautiful”! Remember how happy you were until your temporary fun was stepped on by someone who didn’t share your unique artistic flare? Remember that happy face you had turning into a scowl, looking over your shoulder, watching and waiting for the “crayola” police to interfere with your adolescent endeavor?

Well you’re all grown up now and you can snip and bark at the “crayola” police to mind-their-own-beeswax! You are a grownup now and you can do anything you please, right? Who needs rules and regulations? One thing we tended to overlook was that when we were in grade school, our “police” were more than likely our parents or an older sibling who thought they were helping us become right-thinking in our growing years. Rules were rules, and they needed to be followed. Forced to follow is another matter.

God gives us considerable latitude in our everyday “adult” lives. We don’t have to live within the lines, but they sure make life easier. You can’t go yelling “Fire” in a crowded theater, unless there’s a fire. You can’t fight the control the authorities have over your life, many do, but wouldn’t it be easier in the long run to cooperate and work within the system? By the decree of Caesar Augustus, Joseph and Mary had to travel a long way just to pay taxes. But in the grand scheme of things, Jesus was born in the very town prophesied for his birth, Micah 5:2, even though his parents did not live there.

When we do God’s will, there is no guarantee of a comfortable life, but we are promised that everything, even our discomfort, has a special meaning in God’s plan for our lives. So put on a happy face, we are loved and cared for even if we don’t understand the half of it! You are loved and cared for even if you’re not exactly within life’s lines and boundaries. The Bible says in 1Thessolonians 5:18, “...give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus”. Paul wrote powerful letters of encouragement from prison; can’t we just smile and encourage each other?

Bottom line:

As Paul comforted the Thessalonians, with the promise of the resurrection, so we should comfort and reassure each other with this great hope. “Therefore encourage each other with these words.” 1 Thessalonians 4:18

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


What if God told you: your birthdays are over; you’re going to die soon! Would a birthday cake loaded with candles, and people singing happy birthday, be more like a celebration, or a funeral dirge? Your birthday wish goes from a sun soaked beach to reviewing your last will and testament. Forget calories, sugar, or trans-fats; you “get your house in order.”
King Hezekiah was told by God he was going to die very soon (2 Kings 20). Nobody wants to hear that bell ring! Hezekiah had a little talk with God. The ‘get serious’ heart-to-heart kind of talk. The specter of death really causes us to focus our undivided attention on the matter. God listened and changed his plans. He granted Hezekiah an additional 15 years of life! Now that was a real Happy Birthday! That’s not the end of the story.
Immediately after finding out from God that he would live, he requested a sign from God as proof? Can you hear God sighing; ‘now what’? God gave him the sign he asked for, but the story doesn’t end there! The king of Babylon sent Hezekiah a get-well gift, before he knew Hezekiah was healed. Hezekiah puffed up with pride showed the Babylonian messenger his storehouse of gold, silver, and other treasures! From the account in 2 Chronicles 24-31, it appears that Hezekiah’s prosperity, success, and deliverance from sickness and death had made him proud. Rather than giving credit to God for all his blessings, he chose to impress a bunch of foreigners. When God helps us, we must not use his blessing to impress others. A testimony of victory can quickly degenerate into vanity and self-congratulations. When the prophet Isaiah heard what happened, he told Hezekiah that the Babylonians would return one day and carry off everything in his storehouses. EVERYTHING!! A few years later, they did. Happy Birthday to the King of Babylon from Hezekiah!
Bottom line:
God tested Hezekiah to see what he was really like and to show him his own shortcomings and the attitude of his heart. It was a test meant to strengthen Hezekiah, develop his character, and prepare him for tasks ahead-but, he failed miserably.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Averting Danger

Averting Danger
web If a butterfly sees a spider web covered with dew, will he fly around it? If a bear knows where a trap is hidden and can avoid it easily, will he? If a person senses a trap that will surely kill him, will he ignore it? Averting danger is not always so easy. As long as we can see danger, or know where it hides, or sense an imminent threat, life isn’t so dangerous. It’s the unexpected, the unanticipated, the precipice of fear, which snares us. Unless…unless you’re not afraid of anything or anybody. Unless you’re miserable and life has no meaning and darkness is your favorite color.

There was a person like that once. They were walking through life with no feeling, no emotion, and no hope for tomorrow. Life was beyond drudgery, day-to-day chores were the peak of excitement and being alone was the only peace life afforded. Despair, depression, and detachment from life were the days’ highlights. Until one day a stranger walked into their darkness and opened a door of hope. Light poured in and life was rekindled.

A woman in Sychar, Samaria, went, to Jacob’s well late one evening to draw water. Jesus and his disciples had stopped there minutes before the woman came. The disciples went into the town while Jesus rested by the well. When Jesus saw the woman drawing water late in the evening, alone, he asked her for a drink. This simple meeting was fraught with cultural danger. There was a bitter history between the Samaritans and the Jews. The woman talked about her ancient father Jacob drinking from this same well and passing the well along to her and her descendants. Jesus listened politely and talked about “living water” that he could offer. Then she was asking for water from him! After a brief discussion, the woman realized he was some kind of a prophet. She was surprised at what he knew and told him that she knew that the Jewish Messiah (called Christ) was coming, and he would explain everything. Jesus told her, he was that person. The woman did not fully understand what Jesus was talking about. It takes time to accept something that changes the very foundations of your life. Jesus allowed the woman time to ask questions and put the pieces together herself. She tried to pull him into a theological debate. Jesus steered the conversation from general to spiritual and then directed the conversation from superficial to spiritual. He then goes from spiritual to personal. He’s showing her the relevance of the Scriptures. Here she understood Him. After leaving her jar at the well she ran to tell the people about this stranger and said; “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did? Could this be the Christ?” John 4:29 She brought others to hear him. After she believed Jesus, and because she believed, her life would be forever changed. Her darkness became light, she found hope and safety. Her spiritual thirst was whetted by “living water”.

Bottom line

This was the first time Jesus ever told anyone he was the Messiah.

Monday, August 18, 2014

What Was He Thinking?

What was he thinking
What if your medulla oblongata divorced your spinal cord? Who gets custody of your cerebellum? A similar medical emergency happened to Solomon’s son right after he assumed the throne from his father. Rehoboham was thought to be a suitable replacement to be King of Israel until he asked the advice of his counselors. Like every new ruler, he desperately wanted to be admired and respected.

UntitledFirst day on the job, Rehoboam asked his trusted advisors what he should do to win the people’s confidence and get a firm grip on the nation. He was fortunate; two groups of advisors gave him advice. Jeroboham and his friends advised Rehoboam to lighten the yoke his father had put on the people. He asked the elders who served his father and they “being wise” advised him to treat the people kindly and they will serve him loyally. Everything seemed to indicate Rehoboam would follow their advice. Then things took a deadly sharp turn. He asked the young men he grew up with and they gave him another answer. “Tell the people who have said to you, ‘Your father put a heavy yoke on us, but make our yoke lighter’—tell them, ‘My little finger is thicker than my father’s waist. My father laid on you a heavy yoke; I will make it even heavier. My father scourged you with whips; I will scourge you with scorpions.’” 2 Chronicles 10:10-11 Let us all be reminded, one can stroke people with words—or not.

How do you think the people reacted to that? Just to get a hint of things to come, when King Rehoboam sent Adoniram, who was in charge of forced labor in Judah, the people there stoned him to death! The frightened King Rehoboam got on his chariot and escaped to Jerusalem. He ruled for 17 precarious years. The kingdom of Solomon took a plunge from its pinnacle of glory. Ten of the twelve tribes seceded from his kingdom. The King of Egypt plundered Jerusalem, and the kingdom split. What was he thinking? Following bad advice can cause disaster. Rehoboam had the chance to rule peacefully and unite the kingdom but he lost that chance.

Bottom line

It is easy to follow the advice of your peers because they often feel as we do. But their view may be limited and skewed. It is important to listen carefully to those who have more experience than we do—they can see the bigger picture. Ask God for wisdom.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Was It A Good Fight?

Was it agood fight
Boxing Gloves
Pugilism is one of the most physical and demanding things a person can do. It is the practice of fighting with the fists. It is as barbaric as it sounds. Hand to hand combat is one thing, hand to hand fighting is a whole new twisted ball of Boolean aphorisms translated into Latin! Maybe the early Greek Olympics included pugilistic; who’s left of sound mind to tell the story?

Many sports have euphemisms for their activists. A salesman who landed a big sale may be known as scoring big’. A Wall Street trader who sells stock at a big profit may have scored a ‘hole-in-one. Et cetera. The Bible even includes some references to sports. For example, in the Book of Genesis, chapter one verse one refers to baseball when it says, “In the big inning”; okay that was a cheap shot, but there really are sports references sprinkled in the Bible. The apostle Paul writes about several idioms. He talks about running a good race in Hebrews 12. He mentions shadow boxing in 1 Corinthians 9. The one reference we want to intently focus on is the comment Paul made about “the good fight” in the Book of 2 Timothy 4. “For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure. I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7
Boxing Gloves flippedWas the apostle Paul a professional boxer “and” a full-time evangelist? Stretch your memory a little and remember that Paul was a student under the tutelage of Gamaliel, a highly respected Rabbi. Paul used his skill as a top drawer wordsmith to convey deep truths through ordinary words. Those of you who know the apostle Paul well, know that in all his sporting references, he was in prison in Rome. Paul knew that his earthly life would come to an end—soon. Writing nearly one third on the New Testament, Paul finished strong. He kept the faith in two ways: he was obedient to it, and he passed it on as he received it. Could anybody do more? It was a great fight!

When I think of Paul I am reminded of what writer Hanson W. Baldwin quoted Sir Winston Churchill saying in “Battles Lost and Won”; Churchill said, “The Battle of Britain is about to begin…The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this island or lose the war…Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth, last for thousands of years, man will say, “This was their finest hour.”” These were Paul’s finest years, his finest words and his finest hours. Indeed, it was a great fight!

Bottom line

Others who finished well: Job, Enoch, Abraham, Elisha, Moses, Noah and Joseph. Remember, finished does not mean won. These were winners not just finishers.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Peering Into Future Things

Who foresaw the machines that would change history? Thousands of years ago cities would build massive walls around themselves for protection. It was nigh impossible to capture a high walled city. Then someone invented the catapult, a device that could hurl massive stones and reduce any fortified wall into fortified rubble. After that, no city was safe. Then someone went and invented the longbow. After that, no city was safe. After that, terror reigned from the sky once more. Then one clever fella invented the stirrup. After that a 1500 pound horse and a 200 pound man became a single formidable fighting force that was unstoppable. Then a few years later gunpowder was invented and mass carnage took on a whole new meaning. The race for destruction was on! Anything man could build could be destroyed.

When man figured out how to split an atom and create an atom-bomb, humanity reached into Pandora’s Box and started to play with forbidden fruit. Modern medicine has taken giant strides forward in radiation therapy. Whenever an advancement is made in science, a military application is soon to follow. At present, scientists are exploring “string theory”, the marriage of quantum mechanics and general relativity. With new powerful particle accelerators, the bridge will be crossed from theory to application soon. It’s a little technical to understand, but, according to string theory, electrons and quarks within an atom are not zero-dimensional objects. Instead they are one-dimensional, oscillating lines called strings. How a string vibrates determines the amount of energy that is produced and results in a specific type of subatomic particle. Now do you understand? String theory is difficult to test—its future thinking. The colorful illustration here conceptualizes the extra dimension suggested by string theory.

We think peering into the future is exciting. But without guidance and wisdom, the future can be a quagmire of misunderstanding and danger. The prophet Daniel interpreted a dream the king had. Daniel’s interpretation was the image of a giant statue, awesome in appearance. The statue had a head of pure gold, its chests and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, and its feet made partly of iron and partly of clay! The king’s wise men couldn’t interpret his dream and the king was going to have them executed because of it. Daniel told the king that the God in heaven reveals mysteries. Daniel chapter two reveals the entire episode. No strings or theory involved here.

The statue was a calendar. Each part of it represented a powerful kingdom and the timetable to go along with each respective part. Who knew but God?

Bottom line

Mark 11:24 states, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” and in Philippians 4:6, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Daniel always took time to give God credit for all wisdom and power, thanking God for answering his requests. How do you feel when God answers your prayers?

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

There's Safety In Numbers

Safety in numbers
Snake Eggs
The maternal instinct is one of the most intense protective traits in the world. Whether it’s a momma bear with cubs, or a guppy with hundreds of eggs in her mouth, this instinct is one of the most primal and ferocious known in the animal kingdom, and the human kingdom. The instinct to protect is epic.

Mention the Lord’s Prayer and people automatically think of the prayer that Jesus taught to his disciples mentioned in Mathew 5:9-13. This is not a mistake it is merely a misconception. The Messiah who came as a priest, prophet, and king left us with another prayer. Christ’s high priestly intercessory prayer is actually uncovered in the Gospel of John. Chapter seventeen constitutes the Lord’s Prayer to His Father. It’s only here that the reader may look deeply into the heart of the Son of God. This is Christ’s high priestly prayer, and the petitions are personal and intercessory.

The astute reader may notice several distinct petitions in this epic prayer. The first petition is that Jesus may be glorified as the Son who has glorified the Father, for restoration to the eternal glory, for the safety of believers from the world and the evil one, for the sanctification of believers and for the spiritual unity of believers. That the world may believe. That believers may be with Him in heaven to behold and share His glory.

Maternal instinct, paternal instinct, heavenly instinct; whatever name we attach to it, nothing really has changed. God’s gift to the world is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ’s gift to these whom the Father gave him are; eternal life, the Father’s name, the Father’s words, His own joy, and His own glory. It is Jesus Christ who commits the Christian to the Father for safekeeping. And now the good news, for those who believe in Jesus Christ and his sacrificial work on the cross, the believer’s security rests upon the Father’s faithfulness to His son Jesus Christ. Safety in numbers works out just fine if the numbers consist of a Trinity. Jesus says it clearly in John 10:27-29, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand.”

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Do You Blend?

BlendedSchool is really marvelous; the things we learned there remain a lifetime. Remember the first time you learned to make those balls and sticks to print the letters of the alphabet? Then, magically, you could print your very own name. Then you were taught something called cursive writing. The world suddenly became smaller, and you suddenly became a part of it! You didn’t realize that there was a deep reservoir of words stirring inside of you waiting to leap out onto that blank page and reveal the real you to the whole world.

The human mind is the most complex piece of engineered machinery in the world. But like a wild horse, if it’s not trained well and treated with respect, it can cause more destruction than construction. A collection of different colored paints can be spilled on the floor and create a variegated mess to be cleaned up. But placed in the right hands, these paints can be combined to produce a priceless Mona Lisa.

Remember the first time in school you were introduced to art? The teacher gave everyone a canvas of white paper and some primary colors to create a picture only an adolescent mind could produce. Maybe it consisted of a hose with grass lawn, a sky with birds and a bright sun overhead. The magic inside you was just being conceived and you didn’t see it coming. The moment that the magic became real was when you were told what would happen when you mixed certain colors. The teacher said that when you mixed the color yellow with the color blue, you would make the color green. You thought it impossible until you tried it. It was at that very moment ANYTHING was possible!

When people take their very own mental prowess (the color blue), and add to it the Gospel of Jesus Christ (the brilliant color of yellow), do you know what color it produces? It produces the color of salvation. Something that wasn’t there before! Two primary colors that when blended, disappeared and produce something “un-creatable” any other way. Are you blended?

“In Christ there is all of God in a human body.” Colossians 2:9 This means that all of God was in Christ’s body, perfect blendedness. When we have Christ we have everything we need for salvation and right living. When we know Jesus Christ, we don’t need to seek God by means of other religions, cults, or unbiblical philosophers as the Colossians were. Christ alone holds the answer to the true meaning of life, because he is life. Are you blended?

Monday, August 11, 2014

And Every Eye Will See Him

Every eye
FleaThe Book of Revelation bears the stamp of its Author! Some of its pages are among the most superb and most precious in all the Bible. Its climatic grandeur makes it a fitting close to the Bible story. Its visions of the completed work of Christ make it a roadway into the human soul.

Revelation is based on the discourse Jesus had on the topic of future “Things to come” found in Mathew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. The Book of Revelation is Predictive. It was written to unfold the future. It charts the course and destiny of the Church. It is a book of mystery, with many things we do not understand, but there are many things we do understand. There are some of the most frightening warnings and some of the most hopeful promises in all of Scripture. It is a book that should not be ignored or placed above other books of the Bible. It fully deserves a full share of a Christian’s study habits and devotion. In case you’re wondering—it’s required reading!

The Second Coming of Christ is what the entire world is waiting for. What most people fail to recognize is that the Second Coming will be in two parts. In the first part the Bible says that Jesus will come in the clouds to call those who belong to Him. The second part, seven years later, the Bible says that Jesus will come to earth as a conqueror, with sword in hand. It will be harrowing.

Revelation 1:7 says that Jesus will come and ‘every eye will see him’. Will “every” eye really see Jesus? Does the Bible lie? More important, do you believe what it says? There is something ‘un-human’ guiding and directing your life path. Before you scoff and dismiss that premise, please consider what Psalm 116 says about you personally.

Someone created your innermost being. Someone knitted you together in your mother’s womb. Someone made you in the secret place. Someone’s eyes saw your uniformed body. Someone ordained your days and wrote them down before you even came to be! Will every eye see him—how could they not?!

But wait, there’s more! Not only will we see Him when we’re before God’s court of justice (the judgment seat), but, Romans 14:11 tells us: “It is written: "‘As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.'"

Staring at you here is the eye of a water flea, a largely transparent crustacean that can reach half an inch in length, its intricate eye-and it has only one—is a clue to the creature’s overall complexity: just like all human eyes are different, and we’re all complex, we will all see clearly one day.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Determination and Perseverance

Jesus admired those who struggled against the odds and maintained integrity. Despite the oppressive rule by the Romans, and the impossible burdens laid down by the Pharisees, and the fact that it was clearly a man’s world, life for women was a test of perseverance and determination. They had what John Wayne called “True Grit”. Surviving in an oppressive environment was simply a full time occupation. Being able to climb out of that environment and display equality with the male dominated culture required a genuine leap of faith and shrewdness. Rising above the status qua and gaining the respect of the male dominated authoritarian structure was an admirable feat. There were numerous women who fit that category both now and then. The writers of the Bible gave us numerous “uncommon commentaries” with examples of brains over brawn.

The Book of Judges in the Old Testament tells of the nation of Israel and the courageous leaders God selected to lead His people. They weren’t perfect, but they were obedient to God’s direction. The nation entered into a dark period of rebellion and idolatry. God picked a female judge to steer His people. The first woman judge showed determination, perseverance, and a heart for God. Deborah’s story is a life to imitate. She possessed all the qualities necessary for leadership. Never seeing the glass as half-empty, she accepted the mantle of leadership following God’s direction at every turn.

Few women in the Bible have the opportunity to be placed in such a position of trust. Judges chapters 4 and 5 reveal the traits that made Deborah the perfect person for the job. Modern politicians would do well to consider and emulate her modus operandi. She was a compassionate leader who not only ruled a rebellious people; she encouraged them to remember their place with God and His faithfulness. She had special abilities as a mediator, adviser, and counselor. When called on to lead, was able to plan, direct and delegate. A wise and rare leader Deborah knew how to see the bigger picture. The insight and confidence God gave this woman not only placed her in a unique position, in the Old Testament, but, also shows her remarkable relationship with God. Deborah’s story shows that God can accomplish great things through people who are willing to be led by Him. This remarkable judge demonstrated what a person can accomplish when God is in control. Washington D.C. needs a Deborah!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Parting The Waters

Parting the waters 
Parting the waters picEver watch a magician ply their trade? They roll up their sleeves to show that nothing is hidden up their sleeve, then they wave their hands and “proof”, something appears, or more confusing, something disappears! You know without a doubt, what they did was impossible, yet there before your very eyes it happened! And you can’t explain it, and you can’t refute it. And then your level of frustration rises so high, you demand to see the illusion again. The magician shakes his head and then proceeds to outdo the previous feat of magic with something that causes your mouth to drop open.

Deep in your heart you know it’s an illusion or a slight of hand trick, but you can’t for the life of you figure it out. You use logic, you use reason, you use every device you have to explain what just happened but nothing works. You capitulate and accept that your ability to see through the ruse is moot. Some things cannot be explained, some things must be seen to be believed.

Moses was chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of bondage from Egypt. With millions of people under his leadership, Moses had an enormous task. Something this epic couldn’t happen without direct intervention by God’s hand. It has been estimated that the point where the Israelites crossed the Red Sea the water was anywhere from one half mile to one mile deep and over one mile wide. Imagine a gathering of almost five million people, assorted animals and carts, the handicapped , babies, the elderly, the sick and others all pressed against a deep sea with the Egyptian army in pursuit. Only God could possibly manage to stop the Egyptian army and part the waters. Moses held up his staff, the waters parted to dry ground.

The entire nation experienced the event personally. Can you possibly imagine the mighty Red Sea separating itself for a distance of several miles, exposing only dry ground, and a standing wall of water reaching one mile high for a distance of more than a mile! In the movie version, “The Ten Commandments”, the director, Cecil B. DeMill couldn’t possibly imagine the scale needed to convey what happened. Maybe from an airplane!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Deadly Hollow Points

Being a policeman is not easy. It never has been. Being a public servant is underrated. There’s the initial training, the apprenticeship with an experienced officer, and finally being a sentinel on your own. There’s no need to mention the danger, the long hours, the meager pay or the fact that the public doesn’t like being policed. Their training covers everything from handling domestic disputes to lawbreakers to hardened criminals. The job is unpleasant enough without the indignity of a court system that often works against their best efforts. It shouldn’t be mentioned that the man driving or walking the beat has to walk carefully between politics and the community expectations.

When the Romans controlled the areas around the Mediterranean, soldiers performed many of the tasks of the modern day policeman. They carried weapons, and were often called upon to enforce this or that ordinance. A judge or magistrate would settle matters legally, but there was often a call for a physical presence to calm any uprising or disturbances. Soldiers away from home for extended periods of time might occasionally use excessive force to get the job done. When Jesus was arrested and taken to Pilate for questioning, it was soldiers that did the apprehending and the escorting.

The men guarding Jesus mocked and beat him. They blindfolded Jesus and demanded, Prophesy! Who hit you? (Luke 22) When they brought Jesus before Pilate, the crowd began to accuse him, they fired deadly hollow points directly at Jesus.

We have found this man subverting our nation.
He opposes payment of taxes to Caesar.
He claims to be Christ, a King.
He stirs up there people all over Judea by his teaching.
They claimed Jesus was inciting the people to rebellion.
Shot after shot rang out but failed to pierce the mantel of Truth.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

More Noble?

The banana is a treelike tropical or subtropical plant of the genus Musa Sapientum, a widely cultivated species having long, broad leaves and hanging clusters of bright yellow edible fruit. The crescent-shape fruit of a banana plant has a pulpy white flesh with a thick, easily removable yellow skin. A favorite of both, children, adults and animals, this fruit has multiple applications. It can be fashioned into bread, a cake, puddings, or mixed with several scoops of ice cream and flavored syrups and nuts and fruits and whipped cream, making what may be the ultimate epicurean delight!

What’s an Epicurean Delight? First we would have to learn about Epicurus, a man who lived from 341-270 B.C. He had a refined taste in food and wine. He was devoted to luxurious living and sensuous pleasure. He sought freedom from pain and emotional disturbance. There was one thing he didn’t believe in. He rejected a belief in the afterlife. He not only rejected the belief, he was adamant about it. Like many people, he wanted the beauty and fragrance of roses, but without the thorns! Many of us want the fragrance without even the roses.

In the Book of Acts, chapter seventeen, Paul and his traveling companion, Silas traveled to Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens. What were they doing? Paul was preaching the gospel. “He reasoned with them from the Scriptures explaining and proving that the Christ had to suffer and rise from the dead.” (Acts 17:3) From there they traveled to Berea. Same task, same message, same approach. But something was different here. He preached to the Berean's in the marketplace, in the synagogues and everywhere he was allowed to speak. “Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” (Acts 17:11) How do you evaluate sermons messages and teachings? The people of Berea opened the Scriptures for themselves and searched for absolute truths to verify or disprove the messages they heard. They were eager to learn. Always compare what you hear with what the Bible says. A teacher or preacher who gives God’s true message will never contradict or explain away anything that is found in God’s Word.

When they traveled to Athens, a group of Epicurean philosophers argued with them about the message they were preaching. The men of Athens were religious but that was merely window dressing, they had no substance. Paul preached that life was more than a banana split. Some believed, some didn’t.

Bottom line: “When they heard about the resurrection of the dead, some of them sneered, but others said, We want to hear you again on this subject.” Acts 17:32 Paul did not hold back the truth. He did change his approach to fit his audience, but he never changed his basic message.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Four Aces You Win

Four Aces 

What? Four Aces and you still lose? Oh, C’mon! What kind of game is this?

In the military, a pilot that can outmaneuver, outflank, outsmart, outfight, and out fly an opponent is often referred to as an Ace. It cements a pilot’s reputation if they have downed several of the opponent’s planes in aerial combat. This is often known as “dog-fighting” and the best in class is often referred to as "Top Gun". Training plays a role in the calculus, but ultimately, the pilot that is quick to adopt various means and methods to obtain superiority in stealth, position, advantage, strategy, superior speed, firepower, courage, and victory is the Ace to be respected and feared.
The Book of Revelation in the Bible has several examples of Aces reigning over any opposition with devastating results. You may be wondering if there were sophisticated aircraft in the Bible thousands of years ago! There were Aces in the Bible that brought carnage and destruction, but they weren’t flying a multi-winged wooden coffin like the famous Red Baron. What were they flying you may be asking. Would you believe they were flying--horses!
Revelation chapter six discusses four Aces of destruction that unleash death and destruction on an unprepared and unrepentant opponent. Verse one says that the Lamb (did you notice the capitalization?) opened the first of the seven seals. A rider on a white horse rode out as a conqueror. Seal number two brought out a second horse, a fiery red one, and its rider had a sword and made people slay each other. Another seal brought another horse, a black one whose rider caused famine. The fourth seal brought a fourth horse a pale horse (a sickly yellowish-green), and its rider was named death and Hades, and he caused a fourth of the population to die by sword, famine, and plague. Four deadly Aces that was ultimately successful in their task. These riders are usually referred to as the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. The four riders are given power over one-fourth of the earth, hence, indicating that God is still limiting his judgment—it is not yet complete! There is still time for unbelievers to turn to Christ and away from sinful ways. Everything is on God’s timetable.
Does this sound terrible? You can bet your life that it will be worse to be there when things go bad than to simply read about it in the Bible. Many think the Book of Revelation was written to scare people into believing its message before being directly involved in the maelstrom of events. In any event, if you see four Aces closing in on you, it’s never too late to pray.
At the sight of God sitting on the throne, all human beings, great and small, will be terrified, wishing for the mountains to fall on them so that they will not have to face the judgment of the Lamb. These vivid pictures are not intended to frighten believers. For them, the Lamb is a gentle savior. But to those rulers, generals, emperors, dictators, kings, political figures who continue to show no fear of God and arrogantly flaunt their unbelief, deceitfulness, and weight on God’s people will find that they are wrong and will face God’s judgment and wrath. Do you belong to Christ? If so, you need not fear theses final days or any Aces.
“A wise man fears the Lord and shuns evil.” Proverbs14:16