Saturday, August 2, 2014

Breaking the Barrier

The sound barrier, also known as the sonic barrier, is the sudden sharp increase in aerodynamic drag experienced by an aircraft approaching the speed of sound. Pilots are familiar with the sonic wave. It is when an aircraft or missile reaches a speed of 738 miles per hour at sea level. The resulting sonic boom is a loud transient explosive sound caused by the shock wave preceding an aircraft traveling at supersonic speeds. An aircraft traveling at that speed or greater “breaks through” the sound barrier.

There is currently a conundrum among church leaders and those attending mega-churches about how prayer travels. The matter should have been settled nearly 2600 years ago when the old prophets Daniel was praying in his room and God saw fit to deliver His answer before Daniel even finished his prayer! Daniel’s prayer and God’s immediate answer was recorded in Daniel chapter 9. It seems impossible to understand how one man’s prayer can reach heaven so fast without even a sonic boom. To students of the Bible, that should come as no surprise. What should come as a surprise is what God said He will do if a certain prayer reached his ears!

Before Jesus walked this earth, before the prophet Daniel went to Babylon, even before Isaiah, God gave a challenge that would shatter all barriers. Do you recall God’s challenge? May we refresh your memory? The nation of Israel was dabbling with idols and showing disobedience to the Mosaic Law. Solomon had just finished the Temple and God had something to say to him.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

This well-known verse shows God’s requirements for breaking the barrier: humility, prayer, devotion, and repentance.

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