Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Children Speaking Gibberish or Jibberish?

Children Speaking
Stick kids
When Jesus picked his disciples they were grown men, successful at their trade, but they were brand new to what Jesus had in store for them. They mistakenly assumed that this carpenter from Nazareth would challenge the Roman authority and start the nation of Israel on the path to freedom and self government. Every day Jesus sparred with the Pharisees, the authorities, and the doubters. The disciples witnessed every action and reaction. They thought Jesus was secretly waiting for the right opportunity to strike. The longer they waited, the more anticipation built up.

What do you think the turning point was for most of the disciples? His method of treating everybody equally was a bit unnerving but tolerable. Healing people from every walk of life was incredible and unbelievable. Sparring with the Pharisees and authorities was amusing but tense. When was Jesus going to announce that he was the Old Testament Messiah everybody was waiting for and that he would restore the nation of Israel to its glory days like under King David? Jesus liked to talk about sowing seed, catching fish, forgiving your enemies, helping the poor and a hundred other subjects. With anticipation building, near the end of his ministry, Jesus and his disciples were traveling towards Jerusalem for the last time when they stopped to rest. Guess what happened?

“People were also bringing babies to Jesus to have him touch them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”” Luke 18:15-16 Did those children remember meeting Jesus when they grew up? Would you?

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