Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Beware Fledging Babies

Beware Fledging Babies Some things seem impossible, but the Bible says that nothing is impossible. (1) Would you believe a man with leprosy could be cured and be like new? The Gospel of Saint Luke chapter 5 tells all the details. (2) Would you believe a man born blind could be healed and see again? The Gospel of Saint John chapter 9 tells all the details. (3) Would you believe that thousands could be fed with a few loaves and fish? The Gospel of Saint Matthew chapter 14 tells all the details. (4) Would you believe a man dead for four days could walk out of a tomb? The Gospel of Saint John chapter 11 tells all the details.
Nest with Large blue EggWould you like a hundred more examples? A thousand? How many more stories do you need to be convinced that miracles did happen, do happen, and will happen? What will it take? You don’t have any trouble believing in miracles you say: good for you. What about those who do need something extra? It’s not that they don’t believe in miracles, it’s more a matter of ‘what do they need to believe in’ to change? Change? Change what exactly? Change their destiny.
People are so diverse the world over. Some believe in reincarnation, some in false gods, some in karma, some in stones and stumps. Some believe that everybody will go to heaven. The all roads lead to Rome theory. The Bible has disproven all these notions and more. Scripture even warns us not to rely on our intellect, and there are some first rate intellectual giant’s trodding the globe.
“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than Christ.” Colossians 2:8
There are many man-made approaches to life’s problems that totally disregard God. To resist heresy you must use your mind, keep your eyes on Christ, and study God’s Word. Be careful that you guard against any philosophy of life based only on human ideas and experiences. We must not let anyone’s teaching that credits humanity, not Christ, with being the answer to life’s problems. When we have Christ we have everything we need for salvation and right living.
Can an egg really be too big for its nest? Do miracles have to fit nature? Can one’s destiny be changed by one’s actions? Either you fledge and leave this world behind, or cower and wait for the predator. Make up your mind.

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