Monday, May 25, 2015

Teenage Mutant Ninja Grasshoppers

Teenage NinjaMutant Grasshoppers
Alright you caught me. Unless you’re an entomologist and run an insectary, you know these aren’t grasshoppers, they’re really katydids. What’s the difference? Not much really, a few years of Darwinian evolution and a box of highlighters for starters. These aren’t the walking, talking, jumping, hopping ninja turtles we’ve come to know and love from Saturday morning cartoons; they are actually Teenage Mutant Ninja Katydids. Sans cartoons.
Grass hoppers
Most katydids are green, but there are some (through mutation) that have been found sporting bright colors, including yellow, orange, lime, and hot pink. You may be thinking: that is cool. Actually being green (environmentally and genetically) is a good thing. Being green gives them an added measure of camouflage that helps them survive longer. However, being a fluorescent mutant makes you stand out and elevates you to the top of the food chain. Yummy! Discovered in the 1770’s the oblong-winged species may have undergone a genetic change. Perhaps it was due to chemicals, dust, pollution, who knows? Geneticists aren’t sure what caused the mutations. Entomologists have long thought the colors are symptoms of erythrism, an anomaly similar to albinism. Although their ancestors were generally dark green, these critters have the eye-appeal of a neon crayola crayon color.
Most people are run-of-the-mill who blend in with the crowd. Mediocre to average mostly, they don’t draw attention they just bob along with the usual jetsam and flotsam. Then one day the spotlight is focused on them and it’s ‘Showtime’. There was one guy in the Bible spotlight who was...a mutant!
His name was Cain. He was the first son of Adam and Eve. He had a brother named Abel. Both men brought a sacrifice to the Lord one day. God was pleased with one but not the other. Cain became dejected.
God had a little talk with Cain. Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door, it desires to have you, but you must master it.” Genesis 4:6-7
Cain couldn’t (wouldn’t) control himself, in anger he killed Abel! Why?
“Because his own actions were evil and his brother’s were righteous.” 1 John 3:12
One tiny mutant gene turned him bright red with anger.

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