It could be said that any idiom understands the phrase “See the light?” “See the light” or “Do you see the light” means simply to understand something or someone clearly, at least see the merit of an explanation. This term, dating from the late 1600s, originally referred to religious conversion, the light meaning “true religion”. By the 1800s it was used more broadly for any kind of understanding. It has evolved into “Do you see the light at the end of the tunnel”, or “Do you see the light of day?” Slanguage graduates it from “Know what I mean?” to “You know what I’m saying?”, to “That's what I’m talkin’ bout?”
Our beliefs should be obvious by now if you’ve been a steady follower of this site. But our beliefs aren’t the focus of this discussion. Can you explain what you believe, and why you believe it, to someone? The Bible is the only book that explains why we are here on this planet and how to prepare to leave it when our time comes. Which raises another question: Do you believe in an afterlife? Do you believe that our actions in this life determine our position in an afterlife?
The Bible earnestly makes an excellent case for belief in an afterlife. From ancient cultures to present day, people have imagined everything after death from nothingness to meeting with our Creator. Where on that line do you feel the most comfortable?
We don’t know if you believe in UFO’s, mysticism, Nostradamus, near death experiences, Karma, eastern religions, or those who claim to “channel” messages from those beyond the grave. Some people latch onto the latest mystical fashion and refuse to entertain an unbiased point of view.
The Bible teaches us that life is short. Absorbing every different belief or religion may be entertaining, but life doesn’t wait until you’ve found the one that makes you feel comfortable. The Bible says that Jesus is the Light of the world in John 8:12. Jesus is drawing the analogy that the sun is the physical light of the world and He is the spiritual light of this world. See?
“In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.” John 1:4-5 The darkness here means the darkness of evil never has and never will overcome or extinguish God’s light. Jesus Christ is the Creator of life, and his life brings light to mankind. In his light, we see ourselves as we really are (sinners in need of a Savior). When we follow Jesus Christ, the true light, we can avoid walking around blindly and always falling into sin. He lights our path ahead of us so we can see how to live. See?
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