Many consider life as a gamble, winning some battles, while losing others. Although it's simplistic for us to think life is vanity, God sees things in an eternal perspective. People's lives have meaning and contribute to fulfill God's plan for the ages.
If Judas hadn't betrayed Christ, God would have raised someone else to handle the thirty pieces of silver. If Pilate hadn't given the order to crucify Jesus, Herod would have, and if not Herod, then someone else. History is preordained to follow a certain path. Prophecy must be fulfilled. Human behavior may alter the sequence of events, but Gods' will has always; and will always take precedence. So go ahead, roll them bones, seven come eleven, a Great Judgment Day is coming! We'll be part of it - bet on it! “…for the LORD will bring charges against the nations; he will bring judgment on all mankind and put the wicked to the sword,' declares the LORD”. Jeremiah 25:31Jeremiah 25:31
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