It’s a singular-personal-individual-achievement. The book of Romans reveals to the world, how good at archery we are. Chapter 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Everyone misses the mark. Not many, not most, but all have sinned—all fall short. Romans 3:10 confirms it, “There is none righteous, no not one.” Maybe we should draw on our own faith when we aim for the prize of eternal life. No question, some sins seem bigger than others, because the obvious consequences are more serious. Murder, for example, appears to us to be worse than hatred, and adultery, appears worst than lust. But this doesn’t mean that just because we do lesser sins we deserve eternal life. Sin is sin. All sin makes us sinners and it cuts us off from God. All sin, leads to death regardless of how great or small it seems. Like an Olympic archer, if he doesn’t qualify, he doesn’t qualify. Let us not minimize ‘little’ sins or ‘overrate’ big sins, they all separate us from living with God, but they can all still be forgiven. Paul gives us wonderful news. There’s a way to be declared not guilty-by trusting Jesus to take away the sin. “Therefore, my brothers, I want you to know, through Jesus, forgiveness is proclaimed to you” Acts 18:38. You’re forgiven, don’t you feel refreshed? Revel in it!
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Won Any Gold Medals Lately
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