Look at the world around you. A garden in full bloom, a trout swimming upstream, baby ducks following their mother, the stars of Orion’s belt on a clear night, pictures from deep space that we cannot imagine. These things are without equal. And that’s just the things we can see!
What about the music from an orchestra, the wind whistling through a wheat field, rain tapping on a tin roof at midnight, a baby cooing? These things are without equal. And that’s just the things we can hear!
What about a little child hugging you at bedtime, a puppy that curls up beside you after a grueling day, cutting and stacking a rick of freshly cut firewood, hitting a ball out of the park after the score is tied? These things are without equal. And that’s just the things we can feel!
They say a picture is worth a thousand words; maybe a thousand pictures are worth one word, ‘awesome’! What God shows us every day is His invisible glory. Imagine it: The grace of God—hiding in plain sight for all. “Who is like you O Lord—majestic in holiness awesome in glory, working wonders?” Exodus 15:1
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