was there not to love about Bugs? As a
kid, that used to be high entertainment!
You knew Bugs would win, Elmer would never catch him and the antics
would delight and amuse. That kind of
amusement today with all the focus on guns, gun control, workplace violence,
school shootings, psychotic killings and terrorism today just wouldn’t
fly. We live in a different atmosphere
today, a different environment, a different world.
Blanc was the voice of Bugs Bunny. His
genius at playing the voice of a wabbit made Warner Brothers Corporation tons
of money—and kids laugh around the globe. Bugs used to taunt Elmer in episodes
calling him a “Nimrod”. That’s right,
Bugs used Nimrod to refer to his adversary, poor old Elmer Fudd. Bugs was, of course, being facetious. A lot of people didn’t get the joke, but
still thought it was funny because it was a funny name. Nimrod.
But you and I know from the Bible in the Book of Genesis that Nimrod is
another name for “He was a mighty hunter before the Lord; that is why it is
said, “Like Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the Lord.”” Genesis 10:9 Who was
this Nimrod? Not much is known about him
except that he was a mighty hunter.
have memories of another professional voice imposter and a mighty hunter. A hunter of souls. Do you recall his debut role as a serpent in
a garden? He uses lies and deception to
trick one person and made an entire world cry!
No laughing matter here.
next time you hear, “Ehhh, What’s Up Eve”, go ahead and substitute your name in
her place—hold onto the Truth!
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