Saturday, October 26, 2013

What – I Won – I’m The One ?

Ever been surprised in such a manner that you couldn’t believe it was true? Several people have been utterly and completely flabbergasted at a small turn of events that affected them in a major way. We’re not talking about winning a "big red hat" in a contest, or even a gift card to your favorite restaurant. No, we’re not talking about a winning raffle or lottery ticket.  We are talking about God knocking on your door and saying to you directly, “Come with me, I have something for you to do!”

Baby in a crown
You can delay and hesitate, but really, do you honestly think that works with God? There was one fellow in the Bible that God had his eye on for years, and when the time was right, God got his attention in a warm gentle way. The man was a shepherd in a desolate country far away and long long ago. As a matter of fact he was tending the flock of his father-in-law. The flock he was tending was on the far side of the dessert at Horeb, the mountain of God. You know it as Mount Sinai, which was traditionally located in the southwest past of the Sinai Peninsula.

This poor shepherd saw a bush on fire, but something very unusual was happening, the bush was on fire but it wasn’t being consumed! That wasn’t all; an angel appeared to him from the flames within the bush! That wasn’t all; the poor shepherd heard God call his name from within the bush. Twice! God told the shepherd that He had seen the misery of His people in Egypt and heard their cries for help. God told the shepherd that He had selected him to go to Pharaoh and bring His people out of Egypt! Wow – what were the odds of winning that position? It was one out of a … world of people!

The shepherd wasn’t thrilled to win that coveted position. In fact, five times he tried to excuse himself from God’s call. But God didn’t accept any excuses. The shepherd was selected and he “would” carry out God’s wishes. To calm the shepherd’s fears, God told him, “I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain.” (Exodus 3)

Moses made excuses because he felt inadequate for the job God asked him to do.  It was natural for him to feel that way.  He was inadequate all by himself.  But God wasn’t asking Moses to work alone.  He offered resources to help (God himself, Aaron, and the ability to do miracles).  God often calls us to tasks that seem too difficult, but he doesn’t ask us to do them alone.  God offers us his resources just as he did Moses.  We should not hide behind our inadequacies, as Moses did, but look beyond ourselves and the great resources God makes available.  Then we can allow God to use our unique contributions.

It is worth repeating.  God told Moses “I will be with you”.  Moses spoke with and saw God personally in a burning bush.  You might be asking will God appear to me.  Many people in the Bible experienced God in visible (not necessarily human) form.  Abraham saw the smoking firepot and blazing torch (Genesis 15:17); Jacob wrestled with a man (Genesis 32:24-29).  When the slaves were freed from Egypt, God led them by pillars of cloud and fire (Genesis 13:17-22).  God made many appearances through Jesus.  Will he appear to you?  All things are possible with God.  As believers in Jesus, we really do not need to see a physical Jesus.  We are born again by His Spirit and the Holy Spirit that dwells in our hearts.  How much closer can you get to God?  You hear his voice in your mind.  You keep his Word in your heart.  You minister to others with his love and kindness?  You lay your hands on the sick and they recover, in Jesus’ name.  There will be a least one more time that we will see Jesus in the flesh and that will be at the great Judgment seat of Christ.  At that time believers will see him as he proclaims us not guilty.  Not guilty of sin because he can only see his Holy Spirit in us.  

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