Friday, November 1, 2013

Over Easy Scrambled or Omlet?

The mere sight of a delicious egg breakfast makes you forget your doctor’s warning about cholesterol. Could this be a cause of ‘save the shell’, and ‘throw away the egg’? Or would it be a case of, “wher’d ya git dat chickin?” And were these eggs related to ‘the goose that laid the golden eggs’? Are you tempted to scour the egg section at the grocery looking for more nuggets? Trying to remember where you can get an incubator? Sometimes treasure comes – unexpectedly. The Bible talks about a man who found buried treasure, and what he did next. It’s a fascinating story, only two sentences, with lots of hidden wisdom.
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.
When a man found it, he hid it again,
and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”
Matthew 13:44

That’s 'eggxactly' what you would have done – right? Just nod your head yes. Because of time and space, we’ll dig right into the heart of the matter. There are several ways to interpret this story…let’s look at just two of them.
  • This treasure could represent the incomparable riches of the kingdom, which will drive a man to do everything possible to possess it!
  • The man (Christ) buying the field, sacrifices everything he has (his life) to purchase that field (a world of people).
The next time you crack open your Bible to study, consider this food for thought.

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