Revelation is based on the discourse Jesus had on the topic of future “Things to come” found in Mathew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. The Book of Revelation is Predictive. It was written to unfold the future. It charts the course and destiny of the Church. It is a book of mystery, with many things we do not understand, but there are many things we do understand. There are some of the most frightening warnings and some of the most hopeful promises in all of Scripture. It is a book that should not be ignored or placed above other books of the Bible. It fully deserves a full share of a Christian’s study habits and devotion. In case you’re wondering—it’s required reading!
The Second Coming of Christ is what the entire world is waiting for. What most people fail to recognize is that the Second Coming will be in two parts. In the first part the Bible says that Jesus will come in the clouds to call those who belong to Him. The second part, seven years later, the Bible says that Jesus will come to earth as a conqueror, with sword in hand. It will be harrowing.
Revelation 1:7 says that Jesus will come and ‘every eye will see him’. Will “every” eye really see Jesus? Does the Bible lie? More important, do you believe what it says? There is something ‘un-human’ guiding and directing your life path. Before you scoff and dismiss that premise, please consider what Psalm 116 says about you personally.
Someone created your innermost being. Someone knitted you together in your mother’s womb. Someone made you in the secret place. Someone’s eyes saw your uniformed body. Someone ordained your days and wrote them down before you even came to be! Will every eye see him—how could they not?!
But wait, there’s more! Not only will we see Him when we’re before God’s court of justice (the judgment seat), but, Romans 14:11 tells us: “It is written: "‘As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.'"
Staring at you here is the eye of a water flea, a largely transparent crustacean that can reach half an inch in length, its intricate eye-and it has only one—is a clue to the creature’s overall complexity: just like all human eyes are different, and we’re all complex, we will all see clearly one day.
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