Thursday, November 14, 2013

Riding The Wrong Wave

Who listens to the radio? Ninety five percent of hands were raised instantly. What is your favorite wave? AM or FM? Amplitude Modulated—Frequency Modulated? Some of you are asking, what’s the difference, I like what I like! Within the past decade something amazing has surreptitiously taken place. Both bands used to integrate music, talk radio, and public service programs. Presently one band is 90% talk radio, while the other band is 90% music. Why is that amazing? In and of itself, it’s not. What is amazing; is the sheer number of devotees that are mesmerized by their 24/7 broadcast content.

Are you surprised that radio is one of the most profitable mediums? There are incredible riches riding those invisible waves. Whether you listen to AM or FM is only of concern to you and the radio advertisers and God. Huh? Did I say God? Why would God care about one solitary listener? Because you win wars one battle at a time, you win office by one vote at a time, and you win the race one step at a time. If God can see a sparrow fall, then one ‘radiophile’ counts.

There was a group of people called the Sadducees who “broadcast” their view on life and the afterlife, as they saw it. It was inevitably that these obdurate religious teachers of Israel would have some disagreements with Jesus. One particular occasion they made the mistake of putting Jesus to a test. Knowing the Scriptures was their stock and trade; they were supposed to be proficient at their occupation. Their noise made the daily gossip.

Jesus told them, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God”. Matthew 22:29 This was the Sadducees verdict. They were ignorant on messiahship, atonement, the resurrection, and eschatological matters. Imagine how they reacted, when Jesus told them that all their professional lives, they’ve been riding the wrong waves! Many today are still surfing the wrong waves. Are you on the wrong wave length? What exactly have you been letting in your ears—noise or Scriptural Truth?

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