Saturday, November 30, 2013

Making a Mockery of Everything

Consequences just ahead
Mockery is serious business!

Who said, “Reverend Billy Graham, I don’t need Jesus Christ”?

Who said, “We’re more popular than Jesus Christ”?

Who said, “Not even God himself could sink the Titanic”?

God is notmocked

Hollywood actress Marilyn Monroe, the Beatles John Lennon, ship builders of the cruise liner Titanic; is this music to your ears or just people simply acting out?  Mockery is also a long-tailed grey-and-white songbird of the southern United States able to mimic songs of other birds.

A mocker is someone who jeers, mocks or treats someone with contempt, someone who is not pleasant, disagreeable, attacking or treating others with ridicule, derision—making-fun-of.  People mock because it is the only way they can turn aside the truth.  In their minds, they are not willing to accept what is being expressed, and having no sound judgment, they turn to the practice of mockery. It is a way of belittling a person, making something seem funny when it isn’t, making things seem worthless.  In the Bible God gave an example of what he thought of mockery.  It wasn’t pretty!  The story goes that there was a mob of youths from Bethel harassing Elisha not to speak against their immorality as Elijah had done.  They didn’t just tease him about his baldness, but showed severe disrespect for Elisha’s message and God’s power.  They jeered, ridiculed, made-fun-of God sending a chariot of fire for Elijah.  Elisha cursed them.  He did this because of their continued callous unbelief. Here’s the way it went down.  Elisha on his way to Bethel encountered a mob of youths who began harassing him.  Large in number, they were out to harm Elisha.  “He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord.  Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths.” 2 Kings 2:24  Forty-two!  Elisha didn’t order the bears to maul the youths—God decided that.  God will not tolerate mockers. The Bible is clear, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked”.  Galatians 6:7

Paul wrote in the last days mockers would come.  One thing they will mock will be the soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ to the world to reign and rule for 1,000 years, taking His rightful place on the throne of the world.  Are we entering those last days?  Absolutely!  We are entering the days of darkness, the days which will try the souls of all people.  There will be much deception, falsehoods, lying.  One lesson we will learn, or we will all fall—is this: Truth is not a book, it is not a speech, it is not political promise, it is not just words, it is not a political party in power: Truth is a person, and His name is Jesus Christ.  He is represented here on earth by His spirit, The Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit.  Either we learn to hear His truth “The Truth” or we will surely fall into deception and mockery.  Heard any “Whoppers”, “Falsehoods”, “Untruths” or out-and-out right “Lies” lately? Beware, the TV, the newspapers, the internet, the speeches and those daily press releases. You want the truth?  Here it is:

Bottom line

The “Truth” was laid out in the streets of Jerusalem and nailed to a cross.  Isaiah 59:14 says it best: “And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter”. If “Truth” has fallen in the streets, then, it is being walked upon.  Tread lightly!       

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