Monday, March 31, 2014

What's Bending You Out of Shape?

From stress, to depression, to medical issues, something’s always attacking. From deadlines, to appointments, to surprises, something’s always pushing. Life is a series of making deals, compromising, worrying, giving and getting. There are forces constantly pushing us out of our comfort-zone and routines. Somewhere in between all the rushing and sprinting, is the business of life.

We want command and control of our environment, our circumstances, our surroundings and our priorities. Unless a baby cries loud, he simply doesn’t get what he wants, when he wants it! People tend to get all bent out of shape if things don’t go their way, or doesn’t happen quickly enough to suit them.

In the Book of Acts, a man named Saul was climbing the ladder of success two steps at a time. He was determined to root out and arrest those new ‘cult’ members following this miracle worker named Christ. Acts chapter 9:4 finds Saul on safari, headed for Damascus, to hunt disciples! Out of the clear blue sky a bright light, sent from heaven, struck Saul to the ground and blinded him! The voice of Jesus asked Saul “Why do you persecute me?”

From that moment forward, Saul rearranged his priorities. Reversing his position 180 degrees, he became the greatest evangelist of the first century! “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come” 2 Corinthians 5:17.
Do you need a blinding light—or would you prefer to bend your priorities to be more in line with Christ?

Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Particulates of Inheritance

The frontiers of genetic engineering grew as DNA was discovered in 1953. As you know, DNA deoxyribonucleic acid is the principle carrier of genetic information in almost all organisms. The exceptions are viruses which use RNA, ribonucleic acid. Your chromosomes are a part of your DNA; its double-helix structure allows the chromosomes to be copied exactly during the process of cellular division. Complicated? Not really. So what-you ask? So you would probably be a single cell amoeba, clinging to a piece of seaweed in the ocean without it. Thank you Lord, for your intelligent design!
It’s estimated, there are over 3 billion genes in human DNA. It’s estimated, that only about 50,000 to 100, 000 are active in sending messages. What are the rest of them doing? Are they on vacation? No-they are doing exactly what they are designed to be doing, working their magic, toiling in silence, keeping us functional, and waiting to be discovered. Thank you Lord, for your intelligent design!
The Bible is full of stories of anonymous people in life behind the scenes. The centurion at the cross, the woman at the well in Sychar, the man who was healed of leprosy, the woman with the bleeding problem, the man who led a blinded Paul into Damascus, the crowd who watch an innocent Stephen be stoned to death. These individuals are the double-helix that carries history forward to a new generation. Thank you Lord, for your intelligent design!
Acts 7:26 clarifies genetics and our genealogy by saying, “And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on the face of the earth.” It shouldn’t be a surprise that Genesis contains genes of our beginnings. Thank you Lord, for your intelligent design.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Noted--Are You Seeing Things Clearly?

You’ve heard the expression, “They can’t see the forest for the trees!” Simply put, it means that someone can’t, or won’t, see the obvious, even if everyone else sees the situation clearly. If several teachers at your child’s school tell you that your child has been causing trouble and things are getting worse, and that you should come in for a conference, don’t just assume they’re all wrong because you know that your little angel couldn’t possibly do anything wrong. The facts are being blurred by your judgment.
The obvious is always staring us in the face; it’s the interpretation of the obvious that causes procrastination and indecision. It may be a generational thing, but many signs indicate a general rebellion against the structure of authority. One way to see things clearly is to accept the obvious without the blinders we prefer to wear.

The Roman Empire was a world powerhouse for over 600 years. During the time of Christ, they ruled the Holy Land with an iron fist. Roman troops were dominant in the Mediterranean community. Putting down a rebellion here, collecting taxes there; in general, making a show of force to maintain the Pax Romana. And to think, God orchestrated everything.

Do you see that most of the known world spoke one language—Greek? Do you see that Rome built roads everywhere to move their troops? Do you see that the Temple in Jerusalem was rebuilt and in full use? Do you see that execution by crucifixion was understood by everyone? A single language so the entire world could hear the Gospel in its purity. A single mode of transportation to spread the Gospel to every nation. A single method of worship for the Jewish people, in the city of David. A single method of killing so specific, the Psalms predicted it centuries ago. Clearly, things seeing you are noted! Take a good look at this picture; do you see the Bridegroom or a church?

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Hands on the Scales?

Television can be a great tool for education. With over 1000 channels, people are constantly amused and amazed. With offerings from drama to comedy, one medium has proven to be a perennial favorite year-in; year-out. The animal channel! Animals filmed in the wild hold a unique fascination that cannot be explained. And of all the animals that fascinate us, there is none that command our undivided attention more than reptiles; specifically snakes.

Why? Maybe it goes back to the very beginning. In the Garden of Eden, where everything was perfect; the beautiful flowers, the blooming trees, it must have been overwhelming. Can you imagine the sight of all those colors, the fragrances, the luscious fruit on the branches; and all of it created for Adam and Eve's enjoyment? What could possibly go wrong?
The Biblical story of perfection is interrupted by a visitor to the Garden. Scripture records in Genesis that the serpent was craftier than any of the wild animals the Lord God made. Perhaps Eve did not realize animals could not speak. It didn't matter, Eve was not alarmed. After the serpent deceived Eve and God heard the entire story, judgment fell on Adam and Eve, the serpent, and the whole creation!

As a result, the beautiful and crafty serpents' very form and movements were altered. He would now crawl on his belly and eat dust, as a sign of humiliation. As we read the first recorded story of snake handling, we see God handling the situation with poetic justice! We should remember that animals are wild for a reason! Beware all reptiles.

…pray unto the LORD, that he take away the serpents from us.” Numbers 21:7

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Can You Follow a Recipe?

Sodium Chloride is our friend…or is it? Sodium chloride, or NaCl as some brainiacs refer to it, or salt, as most of us call it, has multiple uses. You can sprinkle it on your food, or you can sprinkle it on your slugs. You can use it to make ice cream, or you can use it to melt ice. The medical profession uses a 0.9% salt solution (normal saline) to hydrate people. The food industry uses salt in processing or preserving almost every food item on your grocery shelf. Metal-working industries use molten salt to heat, treat and temper aluminum wire. The beverage industry uses salt in its products to replace the salt that athletes lose in training and competition. It has universal need.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave us the beatitudes – “Blessed are those who are poor in spirit; those who mourn; those who are merciful; those who are persecuted; those who are pure in heart.” He tells the crowd of followers in Matthew 5: “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.”
As Christians we should “flavor” the world we live in with: “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:22) which are found in the nature of Christ. If a seasoning has no flavor, it has no value. If we make no effort to affect the world around us, we are of no value to God. We should not just “blend in” to this melting pot, but we should season it with Heavenly savor.

A follower of Christ has one brief lifetime to make a good impression on an unbelieving world. So, keep your Christian witness:

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Shear Strength

Samson was from the tribe of Dan. Even before his birth he was appointed to deliver Israel from their enemy, the Philistines. God endowed him with superhuman strength and his life is a record of feats that amaze and amuse. Samson was a Nazarite and because of that fact he had certain restrictions placed upon him, one of them being, he was not to have his hair cut! It was revealed to him early on that his great strength was tied to his long hair.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Shades of Pharaoh?

In the picture above a giant glacier in Antarctica appears to be bleeding blood. There’s nothing to fear, it’s not special effects from Hollywood or trick photography. The water oozing out of this glacier is thought to be from microbes living over 1,000 feet deep in the glacier. Scientists think the microbes produce an iron-based compound that is mixed with salt water and when exposed to fresh air and sunshine oxidizes and turns red. Spooky, huh?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Power of Veneer

Who is it that said, “Power corrupts; and absolute power corrupts, absolutely?”
Beauty, or ugly, is only skin deep. Pull the skin away and what are we really? Do you resemble a predator, a prowler, a primrose, or a pachyderm? Can others see a lamb’s meekness, a lion’s prowess, or a fox’s cunning? Are we a composite of different traits? Do we possess the harmlessness of a dove, and the wisdom of a serpent? It’s not what we look like, it’s what we do!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Where's the Mirrors?

Magicians are highly skilled in the art of illusion. From Jannes and Jambres, Pharaoh’s sorcerers, to Harry Houdini, people have been simply captivated by anything out of the ordinary. It shouldn’t surprise us that Pharaoh’s magicians could perform a trick or two. After all, who were “they” serving? When God told Moses and Aaron to see Pharaoh and tell him to release the Israelites in captivity they went.

God told them that Pharaoh will ask for a miracle. God told Moses and Aaron exactly what to do. When Pharaoh sought a miracle, Aaron threw down his staff and it became a snake! Pharaoh brought in his magicians and they did the same thing by their secret arts. Each one threw down a staff and their staffs also turned into snakes! Then something only a “Higher Power” could accomplish without any smoke and mirrors. All who saw it were amazed.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Bread Winner

Have you ever had a bad day; a day that literally exhausts you 100 percent? Let’s look at an Old Testament character who had a good day followed by a bad day followed by a good day, followed by a meal made by an angel!

Elijah the prophet just had the greatest day of his life. He challenged the false prophets of Baal and they lost in a spectacular manner! The victory of Elijah was so decisive that Elijah had the false prophets apprehended, then he had them marched down to Kishon Valley and had them slaughtered! Elijah’s feeling of jubilation was soon strangled when the evil queen Jezebel sent a message to Elijah saying that she would personally see to it that Elijah would be treated like her prophets that were slaughtered!

Elijah had drifted from a mountaintop experience with God, to a wagon rut refugee. His feeling of abandonment caused him to take his eyes off the Lord momentarily. Fearing the threat from Jezebel, poor Elijah ran for his life! Wouldn’t you? Stopping at Beersheba in Judah, exhausted, Elijah rested under a broom tree and prayed for the Lord to take his life!

An angel gently reached out and touched Elijah causing him to wake up. The angel had prepared a cake of bread baked over hot coals and provided a cool drink of water. Elijah ate and drank and rested again, then traveled to Horeb.

Anyway you look at it; the Old Testament prophet was God’s bread winner.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Three Chances to Get Caught

Fish are like humans in the sense that both take unnecessary chances. While attempting to gather food, the fish might be caught by a hook and become food for another! People can also be deceived and snared, though usually it’s not a matter of life and death. If the lesson isn’t learned, the deception will continue and the snaring will continue and then—it will become fatal.
Some people wonder where God is when tragedy strikes. Why did that child die in an accident? Why did cancer kill her, she was only thirty? How could a plane crash and kill one hundred and fifty five passengers? Maybe people should be asking: I wonder if they made their peace with God before they died? Why is God to blame when people living in a world dipped in sin face tragedy? God didn’t invite sin into the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve did! Where’s the fault lie?
Once sin entered into our environment, God immediately started making preparations to help us from being captured by its influence. From the day the serpent tempted Eve, until the day you draw your last breath. God is calling everyone to come to Him.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Do You Fit?

Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Baptist, Lutheran and other religious orders in America have their differences, but they do have similar interests. They believe in one God; the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They believe Jesus Christ is the incarnate son of God. They believe in heaven and hell. One would think that these fundamentals would lead all the different religions to become one—one in belief and one in practice. Not so.

Why would all the different religious orders mentioned, and dozens of others not mentioned, say they are united into the body of Christ, yet show such a disparity of practicing faith? In the book of Hebrews, those who were raised in the Jewish faith were introduced to the Christian faith. Many people wanted to retain their old culture and add the new practice of gaining heaven by belief only. All they wanted was to mix Law and Grace!

The Bible as we know it today has been around for 2000 years. Its truths and precepts haven’t changed as much as a grain of sand! Why then do we have so many religions, so many beliefs, and so many rules of worship? Tradition is a hard habit to break. History tells us, it’s not about tradition; it’s all about ‘rightly dividing the Word’. Christian’s should have a conscience about (1) regular Bible reading, “Until I come, devote yourself to the…reading of the Holy Writings, (Scripture)” 1 Timothy 4:13 and (2) regular Church attendance, “Let us not give up on meeting together.” Hebrews 10:25. These two police each other. Do you fit—the profile?

Bottom line

See how you fit, read about ‘The Fellowship of Believers’ in Acts chapter 2.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Real Beauty Up Close and Personal

What is the price of beauty? We’re talking stop-dead-in-your-tracks, head turning, jaw-dropping, unparalleled since the dawn of time beauty. What are the odds of any woman having those ethereal qualities? Attributes that cause nations to go to war, Kings to swoon, and an entire male population to erect monuments? What amount of gold can purchase this fleeting quality? The substance of poets and artists, the essence of dreams and desires, the sweet desires of every man’s heart. Where does this unearthly beauty come from?
We’re not talking about the beauty that’s skin deep. We’re not dealing with the nip and tuck or the liposuction leaches. We’re not concerned with the lotions and potions trades. Were not inflating the egos of the silicone “store boughts” or the “southern padding” specialists. We’re not the least concerned who’s on the cover of Playboy, Cosmopolitan, People, Vogue, or the Sports Illustrated ‘swimsuit issue’. We’re not talking about eye-candy. The real measure of beauty is not skin deep, that’s illusory and fleeting.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

It's Elementary My Dear Watson

Adam and Eve spoke the same language, they understood each other. God and the angels spoke the same language, they understood each other. The serpent in the Garden of Eden spoke the same language, with the exception of speaking with a forked tongue. Although the language was common, the serpent was skilled in the art of deception and lying. Similar to crafting a question designed to elicit an answer in favor of the questioner.

Every language has words for laughter, leadership, death, pain and suffering. Not every language has a word for compromise, deception, irony and risk. Politicians and business moguls have had their own language for centuries. The language of power and money has always been understood by those with unbridled ambition. They cross-communicate with one another with the efficiency of a surgeon doing heart surgery.

Language is essential to spread the Bible’s message of the good news. Language is so important that God established a way to communicate the plan of salvation with only one-syllable words. God so loved the world and gave His son to die for us on a cross. That kind of language searches a scholar or a peasant. “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” Romans 10:10. The message and the method of delivery are elementary. But the consequences are vast.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Where Real Begins and Imaginary Ends

Take a good look at this picture. At first light, predawn colors are reflected and distorted by a rare puddle in Australia’s highly saline Lake Eyre. Oh, it’s real! Looks imaginary doesn’t it? The Bible Story Teller wishes to point out that photographs and artist’s interpret the world differently. This photograph shows the power of illusion and extreme desolation, as did Robert Stroud’s life. Robert Stroud was born in 1890 and died in 1963. He was not perfect. He killed two men, one in 1909 and one in 1916. Both men were killed for deeply personal reasons. He was incarcerated in four different prisons in the United States. Mr. Stroud had a third grade education when he entered prison. While in prison he took several classes and discovered he enjoyed learning. Mr. Stroud served 54 years in prison, 46 years in solitary confinement! More than any federal prisoner—ever. He lived to see other prisoners released for the same crime, after serving shorter sentences. In spite of a brutalizing and demoralizing prison system, an almost-psychotic murderer was changed into a thoughtful quasi-scientist solely through his own efforts.

Mr. Stroud endured unimaginable hardships and bitter opposition of prison officials. While incarcerated, he became an authority on bird diseases. He was the author of four books. Two on bird diseases and their treatment, an autobiography, and a history of the United States prison system from colonial times to the formation of the Bureau of Prisons. As time would reveal, Mr. Stroud gained a superior intelligence. He irritated the prison officials whenever he could, and they tolerated him. He entered prison in 1909 and never left. His life was portrayed in a movie called, “The Birdman of Alcatraz” starring the famous actor Mr. Burt Lancaster.

His life was controlled by a set of arbitrary and capricious rules. His mistakes were not forgiven. His advanced research and works were not appreciated. He was only a convict. His struggles to free himself were in vain! His best efforts to help himself were wasted at every turn. His life began to spiral out of control at the tender age of 19.

The outline of Mr. Robert F. Stroud’s life is real. He imagined himself being set free one day. This life could be anybody’s. Mistakes made early in life follow us all our days and we all make mistakes. Just in different degrees. We spiral our lives away from God so slowly. We all seek to be set free from our miserable state one day. Where is ‘our’ hope?

“For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive”. 1 Corinthians 15:22

Robert F. Stroud in 1916 was sentenced to death by hanging, but his mother worked and campaigned against his death. An appeal to President Woodrow Wilson led to the commutation of Robert’s sentence to life of imprisonment, he never made parole. He cared for many birds but his favorite were sparrows. Right before his death in 1963 at 73 years old he was caring for a nest full of baby sparrows. Jesus said that God is aware of everything that happens even to the sparrows, and you are so valuable that God sent his only Son to die for you (John 3:16). Because God places such value on you, you need never fear personal threats or difficult tasks. These can’t shake God’s love or dislodge his Spirit from you. But this doesn’t mean that God will take away all your troubles (John 10:16). The real test of value is how well something holds up under the wear, tear, pressures, and abuse of everyday life. Those who stand up for Christ of their troubles truly have lasting value and will receive great rewards (John 5:11-12).

“And even the hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows”. Matthew 10:31

Monday, March 10, 2014

My Agent is Getting Me On Facebook! Want In?

Before you read this article, The Bible Story Teller, wishes you to know they place their stock and trade in the Lord Jesus Christ, the ultimate initial public offering.   Facebook is listed on the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange). They’re saying the creator’s stock is worth Billions of dollars or more! Many employees could own stock worth hundreds of millions of dollars—each! Many other employees could have stock worth tens of millions of dollars. Wondering how your 401K is doing lately? Most likely not as good as this projection. Don’t worry you can always compare notes with others in your situation—on Facebook!

Money is everything in life right? Who needs friends and family, health and a steady job? That new car is more important than paying off that old credit card bill right? You work hard; you’re entitled to do whatever you want with your money and your free time right? You answer only to yourself right?

You may not believe it but from every indication this present generation is living in what the Bible calls the “last days”. What exactly does that mean to the average person? What are these “last days”? The Bible says that Jesus Christ came on this sin-soaked planet to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10), when His work was finished, He promised He would return a second time. The “last days” are commonly thought of as that time when Jesus is close to coming back the second time. The Bible says that those days are going to be fraught with trouble of every kind.

“But mark this day: There will be terrible times in the last days.People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful,proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal,not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited,lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.” 2 Timothy 3:1-4

Do you think the animal kingdom will face the same problems? Not likely. Get the point?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Meet the Guy Who Embellished His Witness

Bearing false witness may be hazardous to your health. Like prolonged exposure to asbestos, smoking cigarettes for too long, or being subjected to radioactive isotopes without the proper protection; the results can be deadly and often permanent. The cumulative effects may not be immediate, but they are without doubt fixed and dire. When the years of life roll by slowly, it may not be noticeable at first, but like many ailments, it’s not the years, it’s the mileage. Our old friend Karma will see to it that you reap what you sow.

The last week Jesus was walking the streets of Jerusalem, he knew the religion authorities were setting a trap for him. Matthew 26:3 says, “The chief priests and the elders of the people assembled in the palace of the high priest whose name was Caiaphas, and they plotted to arrest Jesus in some sly way and kill him”. It’s hard to find evidence against someone who hasn’t done anything wrong. That didn’t stop the chief priests, the Pharisees, and the Sanhedrin from prospecting for a little false witness testimony.

You may be thinking that these people are pillars of the community. Being in such a powerful position, they had so much to lose. Their reputation would be ruined, their jobs would be forfeited, and they could face legal charges. Matthew 26:59-60 tells us none of that mattered, “The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for false evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death. But they did not find any, though many false witnesses came forward.”

The religious authorities felt threatened by the life Jesus was leading. They didn’t appreciate the ‘Light of the world’ uncovering their malicious deeds. The authorities did everything possible to remove Jesus from their lives, and when they failed, they passed the responsibility to the governor, Pilate.

When everyone involved is tagged and accounted for, the Truth will come out!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Always Have a Spare

In the Garden of Eden the serpent approached Eve with a proposition. Actually it was more of an accusation. He asked her, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” (Genesis 3) Poor ol’ Eve, she thought that they were having a civilized discussion on dietary etiquette. The serpent had asked a leading question that would steer the dialogue in his direction no matter what answer Eve would have given. It’s what any good prosecutor would have done. It’s the same ruse a fisherman uses, hide the deadly barbed hook with something that is highly attractive to the fish. First impressions are very important and very deadly.

In defense of Eve, she had little experience in deception and debating skills. As a matter of fact, she may have lasted longer than most of us would have! Given the method and manner of his verbal assault, you have to give the serpent kudos on waiting until his target was alone and vulnerable.

Let’s examine an alternative scenario. What if Eve’s answer was different? What if she had said to the crafty serpent, “Ask God.” Would the serpent have been embarrassed and slithered off at being bested by a mere human? The answer is obvious, the serpent would have tried a different approach, and another, and yet another until he got the desired results. Like the green Anole reptile lizard which has two tails and sometimes more . They are resourceful and crafty. Eden’s Garden serpent is crafty and would also have had a “backup tail” in case the first “tail” failed, or is that “tale” failed?


We could learn a lesson from this serpent. If God asked you why He should let you into heaven, would your first answer be adequate? Better have a spare! And I ain’t talkin’ spare ‘tail or tale’.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Back From the Future

Today he Bible Story Teller entices you to remember the movie, “Back to the Future” with Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd? It presented a unique premise with high-tech Hollywood special effects. Imagine-traveling back in time and changing the future as you know it, by your own actions while back in time! What a clever script, but we have something more clever, more realistic, and more lasting. We can change the future now by our actions, and see the changes happen right before our very eyes. It’s a simple process called evangelism. Here’s how it works: you tell three people about the work and life of Christ, and they each tell three people and so on. If you diagram the process, it would take the shape of a pyramid, strong, durable, and lasting.
But wait! There’s more. The Bible hints about a sequel that concerns us. In the book of Acts, Jesus ascended up in the clouds until He was out of sight. The angels told the people watching, this same Jesus would return in like manor! God said in Isaiah 46:10
“I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times what is still to come.”
When Jesus comes “Back from the Future” he will fulfill prophecy. Only the true God can predict the future and make it happen. How do we know that? The very next verse in Isaiah tells us, “The Rest of the Story.” God said in Isaiah 46:11
“What I have said that I will bring about; What I have planned that will I do.”
God is unique and unparalleled in His knowledge and His control of the future. The book of Isaiah speaks of a future deliverance when we will live with God in a perfect peace. He offers this future help and hope now. Aren’t we so very blessed?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

TimeTo Eat and Be Betrayed

This edition of Uncommon Commentaries, has the Bible Story Teller asking you to think back to by-gone days. Did you have to be called for supper when you were a kid? Did mom or dad call you to put down what you’re doing and come and eat? Were you so engrossed in what you were doing that supper time snuck up on you? Playing too hard, knee deep in school homework, at a friend’s house too long, grooving to the music or riding that bike too long and too far? Ever notice that adults never have to be reminded to come to supper? They watch the clock and anxiously wait for supper to hit the table! Eating is a powerful habit to break. Our stomachs often remind us when mealtime is approaching with a slight grumbling or that special smell of something cooking. It’s the intestinal track reminding you that there’s plenty of room in case there’s meat and potatoes coming to visit!

When you’re young, you eat with friends and family. When you’re older, you almost always eat with family, friends, and those you’re acquainted with. You will find yourself at the supper table where there are some you know and some you might not know. Jesus had twelve close disciples that he traveled with and knew intimately. They ate together almost every day. At Passover, there was special attention paid to the food prepared and who would eat at the table.

The last Passover Jesus spent with his disciples was the very evening he would be betrayed and turned over to the Romans and judged by the governor. At the last supper table that evening, Jesus said something very disturbing and quite unexpected. He said that one of the twelve disciples seated together at the table would “betray” him! Everyone but two were surprised. Even more surprising was the response from the disciples.

“They were saddened, and one by one they said to him, “Surely not I?’” Mark 14:19

Judas wasn’t alone. We may also forget that while Judas betrayed Jesus, all the disciples abandoned him. With the other disciples, Judas shared a persistent misunderstanding of Jesus’ mission. They all expected Jesus to make the right political moves. And when he kept talking about dying, they all felt varying degrees of anger, fear, and disappointment. They didn’t understand why they had been chosen if Jesus’ mission was doomed to fail. No one knows the exact motivation behind Jesus’ betrayal. What is clear is that Judas allowed his desires to place him in a position where Satan could manipulate him. Judas didn’t like the way his plan was working out, but, it was too late, the wheels of God’s sovereign plan had been set into motion. How sad that Judas ended his life in despair without ever experiencing the gift of reconciliation God could give even to him through Jesus Christ. Judas made his own choices. Fact is, God knew what that choice would be and confirmed it. Judas didn’t lose his relationship with Jesus, rather, he never found Jesus in the first place. He was called “doomed to destruction” (John 17:12) because he was never saved. Judas doesn't do us any favors when he makes us think we can choose despair and death when we can choose repentance, forgiveness, hope, and eternal life. Judas’ betrayal sent Jesus to the cross to guarantee that second choice, our only choice.

It never fails; those that are closest to us always do the vile betraying!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

There's a Pill for That

Healthcare reform cannot fix what ills us if truth be told. Fever, sore throat, coughing, Determined that you can tough it out, you self-diagnose and self-prescribe. Plenty of bed rest, lots of fluids, eat light, watch old movies, and wait it out. When “it” won’t go away, you drag yourself to work anyway hoping no one will notice. After several friends encourage you to stay home until you’re better and a few veiled threats to keep away from the healthier tribe, you resign to see a doctor. You fill out all the paperwork. You crawl to a seat in the waiting room. You pick up one of those magazines that have had every disease imaginable on it and thumb through it often putting your hands up to your mouth and face. Who knows what you’ve added now. You say a little prayer that you won’t die before your name is called. Finally, you’re in. The nurse takes your blood pressure and temperature and weighs you while you cough and sneeze through a forty question interrogation. The doctor arrives, looks over your chart plays twenty more questions and mumbles. You strain to understand. Finally, like the white dove of peace, it lands gently in your sweaty palms.

The Holy Grail—A Doctor’s Prescription!

You make your way to the nearest pharmacy or drugstore. You cautiously approach the “idol” of the pharmaceutical gods. With your insurance card in one hand and cash in the other, you pay homage to the great flu slayer including paying through the nose. Praying it’s just the flu! After a few days you turn the corner, and in a week you’re feeling great and back on the road to perdition. Yeah, there’s a pill for that. It’s a combination drug, one that mixes ignorance with indifference with the usual results.

If you’ve got good health, why do you need God? Life is rich and full, and you’re doing what you want to do. Why stir the pot and add religion? You can always get religion on your deathbed right? You got plenty of time—right? Let’s get dead serious for a moment; you don’t really know when death will come calling do you? Jesus told his disciples, “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.” Acts 1:7 The disciples were earnest in asking about what their Master had directed or encouraged them to seek. Jesus knew that his ascension and the teaching of the Holy Spirit would soon end these expectations, and therefore give them rebuke. Jesus had given his disciples instructions for the discharge of their duty, both before his death and since his resurrection, and this knowledge is enough for any Christian. And there was no magical pill that could have done that! Do you think being unprepared is a good plan? God offers salvation to all people, but many put off a decision for Christ—thinking that there will always be a better time. What if you miss your opportunity? There is no time like the present to receive God’s forgiveness, love, mercy and grace!

“I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2

Believe me there’s NO pill for that!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Incognito or Unannounced Eavesdropper

Wal-Mart is still probably one of the the world’s largest corporations. It wasn’t always so. The founder and driving force was a man from Bentonville, Arkansas named Mr. Sam Walton. To make a long story short, he found a way to build a better mousetrap. The ways and means of running a small business grew and grew into what is now a multibillion dollar enterprise that has worldwide supplies and the most modern methods of tracking sales, inventory, and customer preferences. Mr. Walton hired only the best talent and he expected results. He was famous for personally inspecting his stores and looking for ways to be better and more competitive.

Groucho GlassesAmong the Wal-Mart crowd, Mr. Sam Walton was instantly recognizable. While inspecting a store one day, he questioned why the store manager had priced milk at a certain price. The response was that the price reflected good value and the customers were going to buy milk anyway. Mr. Walton decided to go next door to a competitor and see what they were selling milk for. When told that he would be recognized, Mr. Walton informed them that he intended to go investigate “incognito”. He was going in disguise! What Mr. Watson did next was rather surprising, he put on a baseball cap and in so doing he blended in with everybody else. After looking at the competition, he returned and decided the store manager should price his milk one cent lower that the competitor and keep it that way for at least a year! He did and business grew even bigger!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Telekinesis Lurks Within

All expectant mothers have something unusual in common. Backaches? Morning sickness? A constantly changing appetite? Mild discomfort? Nope, nope, nope and nope. They have something in common that most are not even aware of, and may never be aware of! Whether the baby is a boy or girl, twins or octuplets; mom has an unspoken telekinetic link with the Creator of the universe!

That premise sounds rather fantastic and somewhat whimsical. How did we discover this phenomenon existed and where exactly do we go to find the empirical evidence to substantiate this exotic claim? Was the research done at MIT or Cal Tech? Did anyone win the Nobel Prize for its discovery? Can this telekinetic link be measured, quantified and reproduced in a laboratory? I’m sure you have a thousand other questions regarding this aberration. Would it surprise you to learn that the evidence for this claim is found in the Bible? This was not a discovery made by man but a revelation made by God! There are historical records to show that this telekinetic link has in the past been measured, quantified at certain times and reproduced outside of the laboratory, without the meddling of human hands.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Your Appointed Time

The Bible Story Teller
Today’s edition of Uncommon Commentaries has The Bible Story Teller looking back in time to learn a contemporary lesson. Did you hear about Napoleon Bonaparte, Albert Einstein, Charlie Chaplin, Henry Houdini, John Wayne, and the others? Adolph, Benito, Tojo and the rest? They were all giants in their day, some benefited mankind, and some were a cancer on mankind. But did you hear about what happened to them? They all kept their rendezvous with destiny; some walked, some were pulled.

A rendezvous with destiny? We’re talking about your appointment; the one made before you were born. We all have one. The fortunate, or unfortunate, part is that we don’t know the exact time our appointment is scheduled.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

An Epic Un-scheduled Eruption?



Do you see a man who speaks in haste? Proverbs 29:20

We can’t always speak our mind and spew forth our thoughts to the world. Oh, we can technically; but there are always unintended consequences. There is an example of a man in the Bible who spoke in haste and caused horrific pain and suffering to both himself and others. He felt the need to speak his mind and now it’s recorded for future generations to learn from.

“And Jephthah made a vow to the Lord: If you give the Ammonites into my hands, whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the Lord’s, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering.” Judges 11:30