Friday, March 7, 2014

Back From the Future

Today he Bible Story Teller entices you to remember the movie, “Back to the Future” with Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd? It presented a unique premise with high-tech Hollywood special effects. Imagine-traveling back in time and changing the future as you know it, by your own actions while back in time! What a clever script, but we have something more clever, more realistic, and more lasting. We can change the future now by our actions, and see the changes happen right before our very eyes. It’s a simple process called evangelism. Here’s how it works: you tell three people about the work and life of Christ, and they each tell three people and so on. If you diagram the process, it would take the shape of a pyramid, strong, durable, and lasting.
But wait! There’s more. The Bible hints about a sequel that concerns us. In the book of Acts, Jesus ascended up in the clouds until He was out of sight. The angels told the people watching, this same Jesus would return in like manor! God said in Isaiah 46:10
“I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times what is still to come.”
When Jesus comes “Back from the Future” he will fulfill prophecy. Only the true God can predict the future and make it happen. How do we know that? The very next verse in Isaiah tells us, “The Rest of the Story.” God said in Isaiah 46:11
“What I have said that I will bring about; What I have planned that will I do.”
God is unique and unparalleled in His knowledge and His control of the future. The book of Isaiah speaks of a future deliverance when we will live with God in a perfect peace. He offers this future help and hope now. Aren’t we so very blessed?

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