Wednesday, March 5, 2014

There's a Pill for That

Healthcare reform cannot fix what ills us if truth be told. Fever, sore throat, coughing, Determined that you can tough it out, you self-diagnose and self-prescribe. Plenty of bed rest, lots of fluids, eat light, watch old movies, and wait it out. When “it” won’t go away, you drag yourself to work anyway hoping no one will notice. After several friends encourage you to stay home until you’re better and a few veiled threats to keep away from the healthier tribe, you resign to see a doctor. You fill out all the paperwork. You crawl to a seat in the waiting room. You pick up one of those magazines that have had every disease imaginable on it and thumb through it often putting your hands up to your mouth and face. Who knows what you’ve added now. You say a little prayer that you won’t die before your name is called. Finally, you’re in. The nurse takes your blood pressure and temperature and weighs you while you cough and sneeze through a forty question interrogation. The doctor arrives, looks over your chart plays twenty more questions and mumbles. You strain to understand. Finally, like the white dove of peace, it lands gently in your sweaty palms.

The Holy Grail—A Doctor’s Prescription!

You make your way to the nearest pharmacy or drugstore. You cautiously approach the “idol” of the pharmaceutical gods. With your insurance card in one hand and cash in the other, you pay homage to the great flu slayer including paying through the nose. Praying it’s just the flu! After a few days you turn the corner, and in a week you’re feeling great and back on the road to perdition. Yeah, there’s a pill for that. It’s a combination drug, one that mixes ignorance with indifference with the usual results.

If you’ve got good health, why do you need God? Life is rich and full, and you’re doing what you want to do. Why stir the pot and add religion? You can always get religion on your deathbed right? You got plenty of time—right? Let’s get dead serious for a moment; you don’t really know when death will come calling do you? Jesus told his disciples, “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.” Acts 1:7 The disciples were earnest in asking about what their Master had directed or encouraged them to seek. Jesus knew that his ascension and the teaching of the Holy Spirit would soon end these expectations, and therefore give them rebuke. Jesus had given his disciples instructions for the discharge of their duty, both before his death and since his resurrection, and this knowledge is enough for any Christian. And there was no magical pill that could have done that! Do you think being unprepared is a good plan? God offers salvation to all people, but many put off a decision for Christ—thinking that there will always be a better time. What if you miss your opportunity? There is no time like the present to receive God’s forgiveness, love, mercy and grace!

“I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2

Believe me there’s NO pill for that!

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