Friday, May 9, 2014

Liar, Liar Pants on Fire!

It had to happen sooner or later. Even the smartest fish takes the bait. Whether it was opportunity or circumstance, a terrible mistake was about to happen. Call it greed or coveting or a lapse in judgment, it resulted in such a turn of events that it struck fear in the hearts of any “Prophets in Training”.

The story in 2 Kings 5 is a lesson for everyone. A Syrian general (Naaman) had leprosy and desperately wanted some relief. The general asked to see the King of Israel, Jehoram, to get some help. The prophet Elisha, a man of God, had heard that the King had torn his robe he sent him a message telling the king to send the man (General Naaman) to him so he would know that there’s a prophet in Israel. The general needed and agreed to see and help him. To make a long story short, the prophet healed the general, and the general was so appreciative, he offered to reward the prophet. Whatever the prophet wanted, silver, gold, expensive clothes, anything—it was his for the asking. The prophet declined, saying God did the healing. The general then said, “Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel.” 2 Kings 6: 15. The general would go home and tell his countrymen about the great God of Israel. When the general left for Syria a “prophet in training” named Gehazi stopped him on the road and asked him a question.

Gehazi knew of the general’s offer to pay for his healing. He asked the general if it was too late to accept the offer. He lied and said the prophet Elisha would like some of those clothes and silver after all. The general, smelling a rat, said to take whatever the prophet wanted with his blessing.
Say what? Say nothing! God’s prophets can speak for themselves!

Bottom line:

This message is not teaching that money is evil or that ministers should not get paid; instead, it is warning against greed and deceit. True service is motivated by love and devotion to God and seeks no personal gain. As you serve God, check your motives, “No one can serve two masters. You cannot serve both God and money.” Matthew 6:24

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