Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Role of a Lifetime

You go to the store. You shop for the items on your list. You bring it home. Everything’s fine until you discover one small mistake; one item is different. You chose the generic brand over the popular name brand. You didn’t notice the packaging was almost identical, the size, the shape, the coloring, the placement, the look-alike graphics; every detail played a crucial role in your decision to just-grab and go. At first you’re disappointed, then anger sets in. Was it a trick, were you intentionally deceived? Sold an inferior brand? Feel like marching right back over to that store and giving the manager a piece of your mind?

In Genesis 3 Eve said, “The serpent deceived me!” That is true. And we need to remind ourselves here that the serpent did a good job at deceiving. He didn’t oversell or undersell his product. He knew his “target” audience. His sales pitch was delivered with finesse and charm, and when the customer was slightly confused, he ‘closed the sale’, ‘sealed the deal’. You’re caught. There were no refunds, there were no exchanges, there were no “do-overs”, and no second appeals; there were however, consequences.

We try products we can’t use. We buy cars that rust and wear out. We buy homes that devalue. We buy clothes that wear our or we outgrow. We buy stocks and bonds that fail. We buy the notion that a good life is all that’s necessary. We buy whatever Satans selling.

If you don’t buy into John 3:16: you’ll buy the consequences of John 3:18

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