Thursday, May 15, 2014

To Be Or Not To Be There

You’re familiar with the Bard’s work; the beautiful prose, intrigue, love, deceit, double-entendres, murder, plotting, scheming, fortunes, misfortune, royalty, paupers, and everything in between. What was his source of material? What else--everyday life: the royal court, the market place, the money-lenders, traders, the soldiers and sailors, the slums, and neighbors. The macabre drama of day-to-day living was his canvas. His mind only painted what he saw and imagined. Maybe he should have been more involved, and not merely a spectator.

Our lives are constantly changing, touching other lives. Like rings, some lives interlock (like life-long friendships), some overlap (like doctor-patient relationships), and some barely touch (like helping and serving others). When lives interlock, there is a deep bond. When lives, overlap, there’s a mutual respect. When lives touch, there’s a chance to witness. Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes to you; and you will be my witnesses…to the ends of the Earth.” This verse describes a series of ever-widening circles.

In Luke 11, Jesus told the Pharisees: “You load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift a finger to help them.” The Pharisees were there for the people, but they oppressed them. Jesus was there for the people, and he liberated them. If your life touches another, don’t just be there-be all there! Grow your ring of influence, and your circle of friends—Jesus did.

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