Sunday, January 11, 2015

A son of the gods?

A son of the gods
Who practices the black arts of magic or sorcery? Can a mere mortal really summon up the power of fire and lightning from the nether regions? Before we go any further down this rabbit hole, let’s examine what’s happening. The man you see is George Speake. He was demonstrating a scientific principle. Electricity flashes from the thimble-topped fingers of traveling “preacher-scientist” George Speake. From the 1940’s into the 1960’s, he demonstrated religious faith by demonstrating scientific principles. To create the lightening effect, Speake would stand atop an electric transformer coil. The room would darken, get eerily quiet, at his command, a brief high-frequency current would travel over his skin, up from his feet and out his fingertips. According to Speake’s personal notes he suffered no injury because the high-frequency juice was too fast to be felt. These demonstrations fascinated the crowds. George Speake wanted the audience to see that religious faith and scientific principles are both real. This was obviously for spectacle purposes only so don’t try this at home!
Lightning Fingers
Science and faith have always struggled for the hearts and minds of men. From King to servant, this dichotomy is sometimes unbearable and yet mystifying. Circumstances out of our control are usually met with anger or indifference. In Babylon, there was a King named Nebuchadnezzar who understood neither, but was quick to learn the difference.
The King had a statue built to honor his position in the kingdom. Everyone was ordered to worship the King and his idol. Three Jewish men refused and were arrested. The King decided that they should be thrown into the royal furnace and burned alive! The three Jewish men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego told the King that their God could save them if He so desired. In a rage, the King ordered them bound and thrown down into the blazing furnace, which was heated seven times hotter than usual! It was done, and when the King looked into the furnace he saw something unbelievable! Four figures! “He said, ‘Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.’” Daniel 3:25
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s “fireproof servanthood” served them well. They chose to be faithful to God. I know what you’re thinking. Who was that fourth figure? We cannot be certain. We do know that this person was “supernatural”. It could have been an angel or a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ. In either case, God sent a heavenly visitor to accompany these faithful men during their time of great trial. Their destiny was in God’s hands, not in human hands. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego knew: “You shall have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:3
Bottom Line Nebuchadnezzar saw the men’s faith tested; demonstrated, and vindicated!

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