Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Coming Soon

Coming Soon
Seven BillionHard to imagine this third rock from the sun could support seven Billion! Any idea how much food is required for seven Billion people? How much shelter, how much clothing, how much clean water, how much clean air, how much of everything? It currently takes an enormous amount of resources to just maintain who’s on this spinning ball right now. And it’s fragile! Imagine all the limited resources getting stretched even thinner. Imagine all the scientists, governments and planners working feverishly to organize this chaos. Imagine if you can when the odometer turns closer to Eight Billion!
There’s enough to worry about now you say, why complicate things? If someone doesn’t plan ahead do you know what could happen? I’ll tell you what will happen; the world will continue to fall into disrepair and hubris. Ever since the Garden of Eden appeared in the rear view mirror, this spinning ball of filth and garbage has barely survived. Want proof, check out any history book. Look around you, have people gotten “better” since you were a kid? I know there are exceptions, but I’m talking about the other 98% of the walking dead.
Remember that little conversation in the Garden of Eden that Eve and the serpent had? I believe the serpent’s exact words were, and may I quote him. “You won’t surely die”! What does that have to do with the earth’s population racing towards Seven Billion people? How many cemeteries are there in your town? Are they getting smaller or bigger? Well you can thank God “Someone” planned ahead and made appropriate provisions—for all.
Where’s the bottom line you ask? Were you aware that the Gospel of John reveals the biggest secret in the world? John referred to Jesus as, “The Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.” John 1:29 How much sin can Seven Billion people manage? Thank God, it is no longer an issue. But why? Why isn’t it an issue? It’s not an issue because of what God did! “The Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6

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