Saturday, September 7, 2013

Telekinesis Lurks Within

All expectant mothers have something unusual in common. Backaches? Morning sickness? A constantly changing appetite? Mild discomfort? Nope, nope, nope and nope. They have something in common that most are not even aware of, and may never be aware of! Whether the baby is a boy or girl, twins or octuplets; mom has an unspoken telekinetic link with the Creator of the universe!
pregnant belly with visible babyThat premise sounds rather fantastic and somewhat whimsical. How did we discover this phenomenon existed and where exactly do we go to find the empirical evidence to substantiate this exotic claim? Was the research done at MIT or Cal Tech? Did anyone win the Nobel Prize for its discovery? Can this telekinetic link be measured, quantified and reproduced in a laboratory? I’m sure you have a
thousand other questions regarding this aberration. Would it surprise you to learn that the evidence for this claim is found in the Bible? This was not a discovery made by man but a revelation made by God! There are historical records to show that this telekinetic link has in the past been measured, quantified at certain times and reproduced outside of the laboratory, without the meddling of human hands.
This movement of objects by scientifically inexplicable means, as by the exercise of mystical powers is not new. It is news, but it is not new. The Scripture records the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah writing about the subject in the first chapter of his book: 600 years before the birth of Christ!

“The word of the LORD came to me, saying,
before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart:
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
Jeremiah 1:4-5
God’s character goes into the creation of every person long before birth. When you feel worthless, depressed, downtrodden, scared, remember that God’s Spirit was there from the beginning and is ready and willing to work within you at an instant. We should have as much respect for ourselves as our Maker has for us.
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13
In Galatians 1:15 Paul says of himself that God had separated him from his mother’s womb to be a Christian and an apostle. The great Creator knows what use to make of every one (for) before he makes them. There is a particular purpose and providence of God conversant about all His people.

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