Would you lie to send someone to prison? Even if they were innocent?!
Would you lie to have someone beaten with a whip? Could it boomerang?
Would you lie to have someone killed? Careful, God is an eyewitness!
Would you lie to have someone convicted of a cover-up you orchestrated?

Some famous cover-ups: Watergate Scandal, Iran-Contra Affair, My Lai Massacre, Pentagon Papers, Benghazi Attack and others. Do these really differ from alleged cover-ups: John F. Kennedy assignation, New World Order, Roswell UFO Incident, and others?
Who’s guilty or innocent?
Who goes to prison?
Who gets the death penalty?
Who doles out justice?
Who pays the price?
Let’s pause here for a moment of reflection. There are some people who definitely belong in prison. There are some people who should be beaten with a whip. And tragically, there are some people who deserve to die. There is one tiny matter: the question of guilt or innocence. We have seen the justice system work against an innocent person charged with a crime: the outcome wasn’t for the faint of heart. We’ve also seen the system torture justice to release one guilty when common sense should have been used.
The Bible gives us an example of an innocent man convicted of a crime he didn’t commit. He was punished by being given the death penalty, when in fact, he was completely innocent. Unfortunately there were no appeals. The condemned man was executed less than twenty four hours after the charges were brought. A total injustice? It was only the biggest the world ever saw.
The man falsely accused and executed was Jesus of Nazareth. It was truly a travesty, but would you believe it, there was more to the sordid story? Jesus said that after three days he would come back from the grave! The Romans placed a seal on the massive stone that was used to close the grave, to prevent any tampering. They even put guards at the tomb so there was no interference from “His” followers. Three days later some friends came to pay their respects at the gravesite and the grave stone was moved and the tomb was open – and empty! “When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money, telling them; You are to say, ‘His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.’” (Matthew 28) The cover up was foolproof – sorta. How would sleeping people know what had happened? Would all the soldiers be asleep at the same time? Would soldiers incriminate themselves?
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