Take your childhood, add in your teen years, mix in
some education, throw in a family with some in-laws and out-laws, stir in a
couple of friends and near friends, and add a mish-mash-dash of various jobs.
Grind it together and you’ve created a blend of something meaty, something
fatty, and something homogenous, indigenous, and mellifluous. If you’ve
followed the recipe correctly you should wind up with the basic ingredients for
a potentially good cookout! Beginning to sound familiar?
If you substitute the word “life” for the word
“cookout” you’ve cracked our secret code. Congratulations, you may be Mensa
material. Would you like a potentially good life, or a potentially terrific
life? Laying the foundation for a good life requires a minimum of effort. A
terrific life takes things up a notch. Both are laudable goals, but let’s turn
the dial all the way up and reach for a “Purpose Filled Life”. The first two
lives can be accomplished with hard work and determination. A purpose filled
life requires the aiding and abetting of God. If you want to make this life
really count for something, stop building a monument to yourself.
Have you really looked at the life of Christ in the
Bible? Can you count the times Jesus stopped to help someone – when he didn’t
have to? The moments Jesus encountered a broken life – and gave aid and comfort
– without expecting anything in return. The occasions when Jesus sparred with
the authorities, maintained his composure and elevated God and His directives
above tradition and superstition.
The Bible says, “For the Son of Man came to seek and
to save what was lost.” (Luke 19:10)
Just imagine Jesus coming from heaven to a sin-soaked garbage dump to
seek those lost souls and to save those lost souls. Is that a Purpose Filled
Life or what?! What could be better than following in those sandals? Jesus
became the greatest thing to ever happen to this planet. Everybody gets ground
up. It’s what happens after the grinding that counts.
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