Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Caution – Radioactive Personalities Ahead

Difficult people

Isn’t it wonderful having a whole world full of people that get along so well?

Some people recognize sarcasm and irony at first sight; are you one of em’? Radioactive personalities are under every rock, in every church, at every grocery, holding every public office and living closer to you than you want. From their toxic demeanor to their aggressive posture, they really know how to charm and make friends with every first impression. How many types are there? More than you can count, that’s for sure. And they’re increasing.

difficult people
There are difficult people at work, home and play, and everywhere in-between. From the hostile to the neurotic to the egoist to the barbarian, to those yet unclassified; you’re bound to encounter a few along life’s highway. Don’t remember seeing these types of personalities recently? Have you watched any television in the past fifty years, seen any movies in the past fifty years, witnessed any politicians in the past fifty centuries!

Ever wonder how an encounter with someone, regardless of the topic, goes so quickly awry?  Doubt your own preconceptions?  Feel thrown totally off balance by another person?  Find yourself acting crazy when you’re really a very nice and thoughtful person?  Manipulation comes in many forms: There are whiners. There are bullies. There are the short-fused. Not to forget the highly judgmental. Or the out-and-out sociopath.  But they often have one thing in common: Their MO is to provoke, then make you feel you have no reason to reach—and it’s all your fault to begin with!  Let’s face it, it doesn’t take a sociopath; anyone can be difficult in a heartbeat.  We all have hot-button
issues.  We need to know how to minimize, avoid, listen constructively to, and deal with, hard-to-handle, hair-triggered people. And they’re out there!  Looking and waiting for you to say anything. The key is remaining composed in the face of unreasonableness, that little bit of time allows you to assess the situation and person and the degree of difficulty. Therein lies your advantage.  It allows you to predict specific emotional traps being set for you, which is your passport for getting your power back to respond appropriately.  There are all kinds out of personalities locked-and-loaded.    

The Bible is full of all types of these people as well. Old Testament, between the testaments, New Testament, after the testaments; these manic, psychotic, bent-and-broken people populate the whole earth. From Nimrod to Jezebel to Pilate to Torquemada to Stalin to Hitler, the earth will always have these mistakes of nature among and amidst us. A common question psychiatrists are asked is, “how can we all get along”?

Dealing with difficult people requires a special and unique set of skills, and it shouldn’t surprise anyone that these skills are increasingly necessary. Would it surprise you to learn that these “types” of people are and will be on the increase? Why you might ask. Simple, people who know and follow God don’t behave in that rude and crude manner. Mathematics will tell you that there are more “Godless” people than “Godly” people. Find that hard to believe? Has the world gotten any better since you’ve grown up? Are we a kinder and gentler planet? Has love replaced hatred and cruelty? The Bible predicts troubling times ahead, maybe Godly trumps Godless. We’ll see! In the meantime, let’s follow the words found in the Bible, "Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires." James 1:19-20   Or, to put it plainly…”What would Jesus do?”

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