Monday, September 30, 2013

No Ordinary Angel

That title raises the simple question:  Is there an “ordinary angel”?  Probably not.  But there are certainly extra-ordinary angels that the Bible mentions from time to time.  It is a little unusual that all the angels we know anything about are men.  The word “Angel” has various meanings: a messenger of God, a supernatural being (either good or bad), a guiding spirit, a person regarded as good, innocent, helpful and loving.  When the word is used for a person, especially females, it becomes “lovey-dovey” in nature.

Angels 2

In the past 75 years hundreds of popular movies and songs have been released that discuss angels.  Many lyrics examine heaven, death, and love.  It can be comforting to think that someone might be watching over and helping us make life-decisions—and intervening on our behalf when needed.  What do you think about guardian angels?      

All kinds of songs refer to angels.  The Bible Storyteller’s favorites, without giving away our ages, are:  “My Special Angel” by Bobby Helms (1957), “Pretty Little Angel Eyes” by Curtis Lee (1961), “Angel Baby” by Rosie & the Originals” (1960), “Johnny Angel” by Shelley Fabares (1962), “Teen Angel” by Mark Dinning (1959), and many others right up to today.  My top pick would be “Earth Angel” by The Penguins (1954).  This reminds me of an angel that actually visited earth.

You’ve read about this angel several times.  The next time you run across his name, you’ll quickly realize that he’s no ordinary angel.  He’s only mentioned four times in the Bible: he appears twice in the book of Daniel, teaching him things beyond his comprehension.  He appears in the New Testament twice, to Zachariah and the priest to announce the birth of his son, John the Baptist, and once more to Mary, to announce the birth of her son, Jesus.  This angel’s finest moment was announcing the salvation of mankind.  His name means “God is mighty” or “mighty man of God”. 

Many angels have defined roles in Scripture, some are privileged to read about, and some we can only imagine.  Some we want nothing to do with!  Of all the angels mentioned by name, there’s none that are ordinary, but there’s certainly one who is extra-ordinary!  Each time he appeared, he brought important messages from God.  He has been called the leader of the heavenly hosts.  You may recall his name immediately, who could forget Gabriel?

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