Friday, September 13, 2013

Unearthly Things are Watching You

The Bible Story Teller presents God Speak

What unearthly things are watching you?  Naaah, we’re not talking about ghosts and monsters under your bed.  However, there are unusual creature-like things watching you; man-made drones the size of houseflies that record pictures and sounds are in the air.  That’s certainly scary and unearthly.  Do you want that in your house or car taking photographs and recording your private conversations?  Maybe you’d prefer space satellites recording personal information?  Are these  governmental and unconstitutional intrusions; absolutely.  What about things watching you when you’re at the beach swimming in the ocean (i.e. the Eunicid ocean worm in this picture), tropical jungles, desserts, mountainous areas; things you can’t see?  Things are out there.  What about
ugly scary creature
bacteria that’s right out in the open and under your nose (things you’re breathing)?  What about unearthly angels? Satan? There’s an intruder alert going off right now somewhere. There’s a stealthy prowler lurking.  Don’t open that door!  Secure your privacy?                

Who doesn’t love their private time?  A few hours here and there when you are unsupervised and on your own recognizance. You always behave to the highest standards right? Why don’t people believe that? What would you do if your private time was under strict oversight and you were held 100% accountable for your actions? Still not ready to change, what if your life was being manipulated by Satan and his cadre of henchmen? Not me, you say!

The Bible is a training manual for everyday life, yet many continue to push aside its instructions and warnings. You cannot be an expert swimmer or pilot or anything and ignore the fundamentals. You may remember a few
warnings the Bible gives us for daily life. “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8) “Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” (2 Corinthians 11:14)

The Bible tells us that about one third of the angels in heaven were once persuaded by Satan to follow him. That’s a lot of helpers skulking around for the prowler and the masquerader. Do you realize that you personally may be currently under surveillance by one of the fallen reporting back to the prowler on your actions? Reporting on your weaknesses and your most vulnerable defenses. C’mon, do you really think that everyone is an island, isolated and in complete control of their destiny? Something unearthly is watching you 24/7. How does that make you feel? Confident? Uneasy?

We’ve asked you quite a few questions that should be considered seriously. You are being watched 24/7 whether you want to admit it or not. The evil one is looking for an opportunity, any opportunity, to cause you to stumble and be an embarrassment to the Heavenly Host. You also have the powers of heaven watching you too. However, there is unlimited power at your disposable, so don’t be afraid to draw from it. “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.” (Romans 1:16) Feel better?

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