Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Have You Seen This Fish?

Look closely, have you seen this fish? Yes, we know that this is a beaver (genus Castor Canadensis) and that he might have a voracious appetite, but in fact he is an herbivore. Fish are not on his diet plan. Fish fish, otters fish, seals fish, sharks fish, birds fish and people fish, but what about this fellow: have you seen him fish? You might refer to him as an aquatic carpenter. His front teeth can cut through a tree trunk like a chain saw. That is quite an accomplishment for a primarily nocturnal, large, semi-aquatic rodent! Does he fish; then what does he do?  

He’s probably without a doubt the most proficient dam builder (without formal training and union representation) in the Northern hemisphere. This guy is an engineer without a PhD. He is unequaled in his tenacity by nothing above or below the water line. He doesn’t stop until the project is finished. He will find a way around obstacles and get the job at hand done.

What will they say about you on the internet? He can gnaw down a tree with his front teeth? Not likely. We watch and are amazed by the animal kingdom. While at the same time we are watched by those in the heavenly kingdom! Are we diligent, are we determined, are we tenacious, are we focused?

After Jesus was crucified, he met with the disciples several times after the resurrection. On the third meeting he asked Peter if Peter loved him. Peter replied of course he loved Him. Jesus asked Peter again, and Peter gave him the same answer. Then Jesus asked Peter a third time if he loved him. Peter was almost speechless, but answered of course he loved him for the third time. Then Jesus told Peter – feed my sheep.

Peter had just come through a crisis of confidence after denying the Lord three times. Jesus told Peter that even if he didn’t trust his own emotions to carry on the work he was assigned. Our duty to Christ should not depend on our subjective feelings, but on the realization of what Jesus has done for us.

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