Wednesday, November 12, 2014

All Points Bulletin

All Points Bulletin
When the police are searching for someone of interest, they issue an A.P.B... This designation stands for an All-Points-Bulletin. This means that they share all the information they have on the person of interest with other law enforcement agencies in the hopes of casting a wider net to apprehend the person(s) as soon as possible. The A.P.B. also often includes a description of the person of interests clothing, make and model of vehicle, other accomplices, distinguishing marks, race, height, weight, hair color, prior criminal record , whether or not they’re armed and dangerous, and other descriptions.

Colored pencils
Jesus was watched intently as he started his ministry. People were suspicious of his actions, his motives, and his clever wit. As long as he didn’t threaten the Romans, they ignored him. The Pharisees and the Sadducees however were openly opposed and constantly seeking to discredit him and elevate themselves. The common people saw Jesus for exactly who he was. He was someone who empathized with their condition. He brought them relief through healing, gave them hope for tomorrow, and taught them about the kingdom of God. Something the religious leaders of the day miserably failed to do. Why were the religious authorities APB’ing Jesus?

What exactly did Jesus do to be the object of this dragnet of jealousy? Was it the miracles he preformed? Was it the parables he voiced? Was it the disciples he hand-picked to advance the work of the kingdom? It’s doubtful because all these events were public and non-threatening to the authorities. That leaves only one area of interest…his major teachings.

The Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5-7. The talk with Nicodemus in John 3. The discussion with the Samaritan woman in John 4. The Bread of Life in John 6. The Feast of Tabernacles in John 7-8. The Good Shepherd in John 10. The Olivet Discourse in Luke 21. The Upper Room Discourse in John 13-16. Could these fireside chats be all the points of contention? Wait; there is one heart-to-heart talk that may have caused some “Bulletin Points” to ring the alarm. Could it be the Woes to Pharisees bell-ringer in Luke 11? You better read it twice and decide for yourself.

The 7 Woes remind me of the old detective television series “Dragnet” which ran from 1967 to 1970 with Sergeant Joe Friday (starring actor Jack Webb) and partner Sergeant Bill Gannon (starring actor Harry Morgan). The detectives main line in getting to the truth was always: “Just the facts please, just the facts”. Jesus gave the facts and nothing but the facts. Jesus says: “Yet because I tell you the truth, You do not believe me!”

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