Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Could This Be the Very First Rainbow?

Do you know exactly what a brain cell looks like? Yeah… approximately. Do you know exactly what the very first brain cell looked like? Well…no. When Adam and Eve were skipping through the Garden of Eden, everything was pure and perfect. The air, the ground, the animals, all the vegetation, the birds of the air; all perfect. Absolutely perfect! Then that wily serpent approached Eve and after a brief discussion, sin entered into Paradise. Then everything changed.

God saw his creation contaminated in the blink of an eye. All the work that went into planning, layout, and creating—it was all gone in a moment. Was God a little upset you think? It was probably just day one and suddenly it was ‘switch to Plan B’! Immediately God made some changes. Genesis chapter 3 tells us that the serpent (who started the ball rolling) was cursed ‘above’ all the other animals. The woman was told she would experience much greater pain in childbearing. Adam didn’t escape any wrath either. The ground he tended while in the Garden would change drastically. From now on it would produce thorns and thistles. Ouch! Everyone will now eat plants from the field brought on by the sweat of his brow. And, as an added bonus, the very dust of the ground Adam and Eve came from; to that very dust they would return!

Ever wonder what was in the Garden that first day that was taken away? Would all the fruit be delicious, colorful and ripe year round? Were the daytime and nighttime temperatures the same? Image fresh clean drinking water flowing throughout the Garden, night and day. Picture a miniscule rainbow on every drop of dew that might have rested on the lush vegetation. Think of not being afraid of an animal twenty times your size or petting a scorpion. When the iron curtain of sin was pulled shut over the garden, a way of life we never saw was darkened. The Bible has few surprises for those seeking God.

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9

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