Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Satan or Chameleon

Satan or Chameleon

Satan can take many forms. In the Garden of Eden, Satan approached Eve as a crafty serpent with a smooth calming voice. He convinced Eve that she could eat the forbidden fruit without any consequences. Was Eve really conscious of her decisions? Couldn’t she see that the argument the serpent was presenting was contrary to God’s instructions? Did she deliberately choose not to see the truth? Don’t be so quick to judge Eve, we all choose to be deceived every day. Why? Because our sinful desires out-weight our good sense. God wants to guard humanity from the lie that they could decide good from evil on their own- apart from him. We cannot! God still gives us choices, and we, too, often choose wrongly—hence we cause ourselves much pain. How easily we believe that we can have our own way without any consequences. In our pursuit of happiness, we only choose to see what we want to see. The truth usually lies underneath the obvious. Eve said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate” Genesis 3:13. And Luke tells us in chapter 21:8, “Watch out that you are not deceived.” We have a responsibility for situational awareness. Don’t try to get away with sin by always blaming somebody else. You need to change. Don’t adapt to Satan’s sinful colors, and attitude, rather follow the Lord God who says, “I the Lord, do not change” Malachi 3:6.

Look in the mirror and ask yourself: What do you see? What do you want to see? What do others see? Do you see a cute little Chameleon choosing a colorful suit to deceive? Can you see Satan in disguise choosing what mayhem to deliver? What shall it be today; war—famine—pestilence?

Please wear the coat of protection that Jesus gave you, not a cloak of deception. Stand firm. Remember, Jesus predicted that His followers would be severely persecuted by those who hated what he stood for. And in the mist of terrible persecutions, they could have hope, knowing that salvation was theirs. When you are pressured to give up and turn your back on Christ, DON’T DO IT! Let’s not underestimated the power of the Holy Spirit to enable us to know right from wrong. Remember the benefits of standing firm and living for Christ. Matthew 24:13 says it best “But he who stands firm to the end will be saved.”

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