Thursday, February 20, 2014

What Are You Waiting For?

Taking that first step into the unknown is downright scary, especially if its shark infested waters. The first day of school, your first kiss, starting the new job, your first time flying, giving a speech to your peers, walking down the aisle and saying—I Do. Fear is a powerful thing to contend with and overcome. For a writer it may be that blank page, for a student it may be an unexpected pop quiz, for a surgeon it may be an unforeseen complication on the operating table. Take all your savings and bet on the certainty that it’s different for each and every person.

Penguins watching each oter jump off an icebergIn Matthew 14 the disciples are sailing on the Sea of Galilee during the fourth watch of the night (from 3-6 A.M.) in the dark morning, and they’re exhausted from rowing. When they look across the water’s surface they see a figure on the water. They see Jesus walking on the water towards them! Everyone is amazed beyond belief and seeking desperately to make sense out of what they are witnessing. No one can just walk on water, that’s impossible, yet here is Jesus walking on top of the water towards them. The Bible reports they were terrified. For a moment in time the disciples are convinced that up is down and everything they know to be true—isn’t! What other explanation could there be? Are they seeing a ghost or a hallucination? Are they sleepy, are they having a dream? How can this be?

Jesus tells them, “Take courage. It is I. Don’t be afraid.” (Verse27) Peter replied, “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.” (Verse 28) Where do you think this statement came from? Did Peter look at this as a challenge? No! The Holy Spirit made Peter feel this way! What did Jesus do next, he told Peter to come on. Peter got down out of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus! Talk about courage! Talk about stepping out on faith! Talk about encountering the supernatural! Anybody in that boat, that very night, could have called out to Jesus, but only Peter took the initiative. Peter was an expert fisherman and knew better than to get out of that boat and into the windy sea in the darkness—but, he did. He was the only one in the boat to react in faith. It proves that belief in Jesus Christ can change your life. Was Peter ever the same after that episode? Would you be? It’s safe to say that Peter took many unprecedented steps in his life. If he tried, shouldn’t we?

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