Sunday, February 23, 2014

Welcome Please Take A Seat!

Ever get the feeling you’re walking into a trap? That the game is rigged and you’re the mark being roped in to be fleeced? That tingling sensation may be your conscience telling you to prepare for that ‘fight or flight’ response they talk about in psychology. Chances are, its past experiences warning you.

This experience happens to many people. It often takes place on a car lot, in a casino, any governmental office, and during interviews. It may feel like you’re on the “hot seat”, but take heart, you’re not the first one there. There was one before you, and he not only endured, but triumphed! Because of his experience, we don’t have to be afraid of our common enemy.

Who was the man who came before us? He was Elijah; an Old Testament prophet. He was harassed, threatened, and pursued and yet persevered to do great things for the kingdom. God was so proud of his life, and how he lived his faith, that he called Elijah to come home personally. God sent a chariot of fire and horses of fire and a whirlwind took Elijah up to heaven! (2 Kings 2). Elijah was taken to heaven without dying. He is the second person mentioned in Scripture to do so. Enoch was the first (Genesis 5). The only other person taken to heaven in bodily form was Jesus after his resurrection from the dead (Acts 1:9).

Don’t be afraid of the unusual, that’s how God works. If, you’re going to be afraid of anything, be afraid of that other everlasting tormenting fire. Now that’s a real hot seat. Revelation 20:15 says plainly... 


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