Monday, April 21, 2014

Beyond The Cuttung Edge

surgeon's scapel 
The White House in Washington D.C., the capitol that houses the Senate and the Congress, the New York Stock Exchange, every state capitol building in every state, the embassies in every civilized country is integral. What do these places have in common? Generally, that’s where the illuminati and the cognoscenti dwell and run the country’s business, and other matters of critical interest. They are usually on the cutting edge of new policy and reform that affect our lives. If there is major changes being planned and instituted, these are the people who are usually leading the charge and making things happen.

It wasn’t so different in Bible times. The movers and shakers then were constantly stirring the pot, quietly, to get their way, trying to remove all the obstacles to progress and fortune. When Jesus came along, the established power structure was threatened. The office of the High Priest had become a political appointment. The religious rulers were neither ‘religious’ nor were they ‘ruling’. Rome was in charge, and every crucifixion was an exclamation point driving that little detail home to those surviving in Palestine.

Whether it’s manipulating the treasury, running the Temple like a business, controlling the production of goods and services required for everyday life, making laws that benefit the rich and powerful, or trying to play Pharaoh and keep the people making bricks without asking any questions. One thing is always present. There’s always someone who’s honest and upright shining a light on the process of “progress”. Being on the ‘cutting edge’ has its benefits here, but when the kingdom of God comes, that cutting edge will become a double-edged sword and slice right through that thick bologna we’ve been served for centuries.

“For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?” 1 Peter 4:17

“For it is time for judgment…” is not referring to final judgment but to God’s refining discipline (see Hebrews 12:7). God often allows believers to sin and then experience the consequences. He does this for numerous reasons:

(1.) To show us our potential for sinning.

(2.) To encourage us to turn from sin and depend on him.

(3.) To prepare us to face other, even stronger temptations in the future.

(4.) To help us stay faithful and keep on trusting him. If believers need earthly discipline (judgment) from God, how much more will unbelievers receive it? If it is hard for the righteous to be saved (only because of God’s mercy), what chance do those have who reject Christ?

Bottom line

Don’t let them say its steak only to sell you a bunch of baloney.

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