Friday, April 4, 2014

Following or Leading?

Leading—following; it’s not a matter of either/or, it’s a matter of action or inaction. Different situations call for different strategies. In the book of Luke, there is a story where the friends of a paralyzed man try and bring him to Jesus for healing, but the crowds prevent them. Desperate, they concocted a plan to remove part of the roof and lower their friend on a mat, right into the middle of the crowd, directly in front of Jesus. Their plan succeeded!

Jesus so admired their faith, He forgave the paralyzed man’s sins! The religious leaders in the crowd protested loudly, Jesus challenged them. “Which is easier; to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven’, or to say, ‘Get up and walk’?” Luke 5:23 Jesus knew what they were thinking, and while everyone was watching, Jesus told the paralyzed man to pick up his mat and go home! The man stood up, completely healed and picked up his mat and headed home, praising God. That settled the matter for everyone, if He could do one—He could do the other! Action speaks louder than words. After the miracle someone said aloud, “We have seen remarkable things today.” Indeed!

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