Friday, April 25, 2014

Winning by Losing

Suppose you’re addicted to Chrystal Meth: and suppose you’re willing to beg, borrow or steal to get your dose: and suppose you’re offered a way out of your addiction? You’re not being forced; you’re being offered a chance to escape your addiction, by highly trained professionals, to get your life back on track. Whacha gonna do? Please bear in mind that those addicted to drugs are either forced to change or die from excessive use. Isn’t the best scenario—not to get addicted?

In the Bible, Moses leads the Hebrew nation out of slavery from Egypt. He guides them through the desert to a land God promised them. After crossing the mighty Red Sea on dry ground to safety, God saw fit to provide the nation with some fundamental guidelines. We know these guidelines today as the Ten Commandments. One of those commandments was crystal clear, like crystal clear meth, very powerful.
“I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

You shall have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:2-3

The nation of Israel had a problem. They were addicted to worshiping idols! Some worshiped God only, but many worshiped many gods. They were dying a slow death until God miraculously delivered them, and saved them from a fate worse than death: separation from Him! God offered them a fulfilling life if they would lose their idols and place Him first and foremost.

One man who remembered the cruelty of Egypt and witnessed God’s offer and accepted it unconditionally is recorded in the Book of Joshua.
“As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”
Joshua 24:15

God himself instructed Moses to commission Joshua to be his successor. He was known as Moses’ constant shadow. Who is your Moses? Who is your Joshua? Since you are a part of the chain of God’s ongoing work in the world, who’s your model? Do those who are watching you see God reflected in every area of your life? Pray and ask God to lead you to a trustworthy Moses. Ask Him to make you a good Joshua.

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